The UCLA CFAR-sponsored “Slowing the Emerging Opioid Epidemic in Southern California: Responding to Increases in Opioid, Prescription, and Injection Drug Use” was held on November 16, 2018. This meeting was hosted by Drs. Pamina Gorbach and Steve Shoptaw of UCLA and Ricky Bluthenthal of USC in November 2018 and explored why the opioid epidemic has not exploded in California and how researchers can contribute to prevention efforts.
We engaged leading HIV/AIDS research to address the impacts of opioids in the populations too often marginalized and especially vulnerable to the effects of HIV (e.g., men who have sex with men, racial/ethnic minorities, and injection drug users). The report details our findings and articulates both policy and research recommendations for the field.
You can download the full meeting report here: Slowing the Emerging Opioid Epidemic in Southern California: Responding to Increases in Opioid, Prescription, and Injection Drug Use Meeting Report
This event was made possible with the generous support of the UCLA Center for AIDS Research (AI028697) and the UCLA AIDS Institute. Additional funds were provided by the Center for HIV Identification, Prevention, and Treatment Services (MH058107).