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Recent Publications

by Themes


Freese, J., Segura, E. R., Gutierrez, J., Lake, J. E., Cabello, R., Clark, J. L., & Blair, C. (2024). Sexual network characteristics and partnership types among men who have sex with men diagnosed with syphilis, gonorrhoea and/or chlamydia in Lima, Peru. Sexually transmitted infections, 100(2), 84–90.

Li, M. J., Hassan, A., Javanbakht, M., Gorbach, P. M., & Shoptaw, S. J. (2024). Decision-making task performance and patterns of methamphetamine use in people assigned male at birth who have sex with men. Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology, 32(3), 350–357.
Mental Health

Huang, F. F., Chen, W. T., Shiu, C., Yang, J. P., & Zhao, H. (2023). Relationships between spirituality and mental stress in people living with HIV in China: A cross-sectional study. Mental health, religion & culture, 26(3), 276–289.

Del Pino, H. E., Harawa, N. T., Shoptaw, S. J., Schrode, K., & Karlamangla, A. (2023). Drug Use, Family Support, and Depressive Symptoms Among Latinx Sexual Minority Men: A Longitudinal Analysis. AIDS and behavior, 27(12), 3844–3851.


Li, M. J., Chau, B., Belin, T., Carmody, T., Jha, M. K., Marino, E. N., Trivedi, M., & Shoptaw, S. J. (2024). Extended observation of reduced methamphetamine use with combined naltrexone plus bupropion in the ADAPT-2 trial. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 10.1111/add.16529. Advance online publication.

Spinelli, M. A., Grinsztejn, B., & Landovitz, R. J. (2022). Promises and challenges: cabotegravir for preexposure prophylaxisCurrent opinion in HIV and AIDS17(4), 186–191.
Cuca, Y. P., Horvat Davey, C., Corless, I. B., Phillips, J. C., Sierra-Perez, Á. J., Solís Báez, S., Iwu, E., Sabone, M., Mulaudzi, M. T., Murphey, C., Shaibu, S., Chen, W. T., Santa Maria, D., Schnall, R., Palmieri, P., Apiruknapanond, P., Wang, T., de Jesús, T., Huang, E., Broussard, J., … Dawson-Rose, C. (2024). The Social, Mental, and Physical Health Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on People With HIV: Protocol of an Observational International Multisite Study. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC, 35(1), 60-74.

Bogart, L. M., Musoke, W., Mayatsa, J., Marsh, T., Naigino, R., Banegura, A., Mukama, C. S., Allupo, S., Odiit, M., Kadama, H., Mukasa, B., & Wanyenze, R. K. (2024). Recommendations for Improving Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Implementation and Social Marketing in Ugandan Fisherfolk Communities: A Qualitative Exploration. Community health equity research & policy, 44(2), 189–199.

by Faculty

Paul Adamson, MD

Core Scientist, Combination Prevention Core

Cherie Blair MD, PhD

Core Scientist, Combination Prevention Core

Thomas Belin, PhD

Core Co-Director, Methods Core

W. Scott Comulada, DrPH

Core Scientist, Methods Core

Gabriel Edwards, MD, MPH

Core Associate Director, Policy Impact Core

Nina T. Harawa, PhD, MPH

Core Director, Policy Impact Core

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