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Recent Publications
by Themes
Freese, J., Segura, E. R., Gutierrez, J., Lake, J. E., Cabello, R., Clark, J. L., & Blair, C. (2024). Sexual network characteristics and partnership types among men who have sex with men diagnosed with syphilis, gonorrhoea and/or chlamydia in Lima, Peru. Sexually transmitted infections, 100(2), 84–90.
Mental Health
Huang, F. F., Chen, W. T., Shiu, C., Yang, J. P., & Zhao, H. (2023). Relationships between spirituality and mental stress in people living with HIV in China: A cross-sectional study. Mental health, religion & culture, 26(3), 276–289.
Del Pino, H. E., Harawa, N. T., Shoptaw, S. J., Schrode, K., & Karlamangla, A. (2023). Drug Use, Family Support, and Depressive Symptoms Among Latinx Sexual Minority Men: A Longitudinal Analysis. AIDS and behavior, 27(12), 3844–3851.
Li, M. J., Chau, B., Belin, T., Carmody, T., Jha, M. K., Marino, E. N., Trivedi, M., & Shoptaw, S. J. (2024). Extended observation of reduced methamphetamine use with combined naltrexone plus bupropion in the ADAPT-2 trial. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 10.1111/add.16529. Advance online publication.
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