SAPHIR Program

No more applications are being accepted at this time for the South America Program in HIV Prevention Research (SAPHIR) training program. All 2024 positions have been filled. Our next cycle for the program will begin in 2025. Application submissions are now closed!

If you have any questions, please contact Jesse Clark at

General Information

For more information on SAPHIR visit their website.

The call for applications for the 2024-25 South American Program in HIV Prevention Research (SAPHIR) training program is now closed. SAPHIR is an NIH-funded, year-long training program in comprehensive HIV prevention research for Pre-Doctoral (MSIII) and Post-Doctoral (MD-level) physician trainees from U.S. institutions. All SAPHIR Fellows participate in a structured program of didactic education and practical research in one of the major fields of HIV prevention (Behavioral Prevention, Biomedical Prevention, Antiretroviral Therapy, Epidemiology, or Basic/Translational Science). Each SAPHIR Fellow is matched with a pair of mentors from UCLA and one of our collaborating international sites in Peru and Brazil.

After a 2-week introductory program in Los Angeles, SAPHIR Fellows spend the majority of the year at their foreign site where they work with their mentors in an individualized training program centered on the design and analysis of an independent study in their specific area of prevention research. In addition to mentored research projects, the program includes a weekly educational series to provide didactic training in key areas of international research including Ethical Research Conduct, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Social, Behavioral, and Biomedical Aspects of HIV Prevention Research. All Fellows are provided with a stipend and round-trip transportation to the UCLA campus and to their international site.

Application Information

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, with a priority deadline of February 16, 2024. For more information, please visit or write to us at The SAPHIR program is supported by NIH/NIMH Grant Number R25 MH087222 (PI: Dr. Jesse Clark).

SAPHIR RFA 2024 - Call for Applications