The Center for AIDS Prevention Studies’ (CAPS) Training Program for Scientists Conducting Research to Reduce HIV/STI Health Disparities at the University of California, San Francisco is accepting applications for the 2012 Summer Program. The deadline to apply is January 17, 2012.
This program allows scientists to access the extensive expertise of a team of mentors who are successful at conducting research in minority communities.
- This program is designed to assist investigators interested in conducting HIV research with ethnic minority communities to strengthen their programs of research and obtain additional funding for their work. The goals of the program are:
· To increase the quantity and quality of HIV research targeting vulnerable ethnic minority populations.
· To develop theory-based, culture-specific research methods for effective HIV-prevention interventions.
· To increase the number of minority group members among principal investigators funded by the NIH.
- Program participants will:
· Spend 6 weeks in San Francisco for 3 consecutive summers.
· Receive a monthly stipend for living expenses and roundtrip airfare to San Francisco.
· Receive up to $25,000 to conduct preliminary research before the second summer, to collect preliminary data for a larger NIH application.