NIDA is now accepting applications for the Director’s Travel Awards to attend the 2017 College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) annual meeting in Montreal, Canada. We anticipate a limited number of awards in the amount of $1,000.00 each. Please note that the deadline for application is January 9, 2017. This is a fantastic opportunity to partially offset travel cost to the CPDD meeting.
This award is open to NRSA trainees, NRSA fellows, and Diversity Supplement recipients, and is contingent on attending the Grant-Writing and Career Workshop at the CPDD meeting. The workshop is for junior and early career investigators, and is designed to convey information and skills, such as grantsmanship, that would be helpful in the early stages of a research career. Selection for the travel award will automatically enroll the applicant in this workshop. For those interested in the workshop alone (i.e., not applying for the travel award), a pre-registration form will be posted on the CPDD website at a later date.
The Director’s Travel Award application is available on the CPDD website: