October 10th, 2019- This month’s commission meeting featured a panel focused on the impacts of HIV/AIDS in the Latinx Community. Our panelists included Jose Vasquez from APLA’s HIVE Program, Johanna Padilla from the Los Angeles LGBT and Trans Wellness Center, Thelma Garcia from East Los Angeles Women’s Center, and Commissioner Carlos Moreno. The panel was moderated by Jorge Diaz.
The discussion provided insight into the experiences of Latinx/Latino Indigenous narratives, with major objectives to highlight the urgency of the HIV/AIDS epidemic within these community spaces and present deeper understandings to the issues faced. Challenges were expressed regarding the unique barriers of language, cultural/spiritual stigmas, knowledge of prevention and treatment services, and fear. Greater solutions were also noted, including a call for more trauma-informed services, compassion from providers, education of youth and cis/het populations, and more visible identity-specific support systems. Overall, the conversation was intersectional, inclusive, and non-monolithic.
You can find the flyer available for download below as well as the full video of the panel (also available on Youtube).
Impact of HIV/AIDS in Latinx Communities - Flyer
CHIPTS hosts a monthly HIV Research and Community Colloquia Series in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV to highlight current issues and conversations surrounding HIV. Click here for past lectures and check out the events page for more information on future Colloquia presentations!