The Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions is recruiting potential scholars and mentors to participate in the ATN mentoring program, a 36 month mentored research education program to prepare youth-focused interdisciplinary HIV related-research and advance the ATN’s research agenda. Many of you have post docs, residents, or junior faculty who may benefit from the program. Could you please circulate the attached “Call for Scholars” to those who might be interested?
We are also recruiting for mentors. Are you or someone you know interested in helping to develop the next generation of youth focused HIV researchers? Please circulate the attached “Call for Scholars”. The program is exciting and promises to be of benefit for both scholars and mentors.
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Applications are due on October 19, 2012!
Please contact Isa Fernández, Ph.D. at or 305-576-1777 if you have any questions