The AIDSVu Project ( housed at the Rollins School of Public Health and the Center for AIDS Research at Emory released its annual update. AIDSVu is a website housing interactive online maps that allows visitors to visually explore the HIV epidemic in the United States by state, county and, in some cities, ZIP code and census tract. The maps allow users to filter HIV prevalence data by race/ethnicity, sex, age and transmission category (state level). These data are displayed alongside key information such as HIV testing and treatment site locations, social determinants of health data such poverty, income inequality and educational attainment, and NIH-funded HIV prevention, vaccine and treatment trials sites. AIDSVu also displays information on state profile pages including HIV prevalence rate ratios by race/ethnicity, late HIV diagnoses, mortality rates due to HIV, STD rates, and details on federal HIV/AIDS grant funding and AIDS drug assistance program waiting lists.
AIDSVu may be of interest to CFAR scientists in several ways:
· For teaching and presentations: Free, downloadable slide sets have dozens of images to depict the geography of the US epidemic at the national, regional, state and city levels, with presentation notes
· For grant writing: State pages have up-to-date information about racial/ethnic disparities in HIV, STD rates and rankings, and HIV transmission categories for US states
· For research: AIDSVu makes city, state, and county-level data on HIV prevalence, rates, and social determinants of health (counties only) available in downloadable datasets so researchers can make their own maps, or conduct new analyses of data
· For planning HIV/AIDS study recruitment or service provision: For 13 major cities, maps at the ZIP code or census tract level allow those planning recruitment or service provision to identify areas where HIV is most prevalent
We ask that you share this information broadly across your CFAR and with your community partnerships.
If you have any questions, or if we can provide any additional information, please contact:
Shelle W. Bryant
|CFAR Administrator|Center for AIDS Research at Emory|
1518 Clifton Road, Ste 8050, Atlanta, GA 30322|
Mailstop: 1518-002-8BB|
Ph: 404.727.9437|Fax: 404.712.8879|