March 7th, 2019 – Researchers from UCLA, The RAND Corporation, The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Charles R. Drew University, Harvard Medical School, Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, Stellenbosch University, and the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation gathered at the UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center for a learning session on “HIV Exposed Children and Early Childhood Development.”
Laurie Bruns created an in-depth, insightful report on the learning session including overviews of all presentations, participant input, and specific discussion points that were brought up throughout the day. You can download her report here: Early Child Development - HIV Exposed Children Learning Session Final Report
Co-Chairs Thomas Coates from UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and Lisa Bohmer from the Hilton Foundation opened up the day and welcomed the diverse group to the learning session. Lisa Bohmer followed with a presentation on “The Nurturing Care Framework and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Initiative for Young Children Affected by HIV and AIDS” and had a great discussion in the room on this approach.
The day continued with presentations from Amy Slogrove and Kathleen Powis, Catherine Sandhofer, and Kate Dovel and Laurie Bruns. You can find their full presentations as well as the agenda, information packet, and attendee list available for download below.
Download Links
- Learning Seminar: HIV Exposed Children and Early Childhood Development - Information Packet
- Learning Seminar: HIV Exposed Children and Early Childhood Development - Agenda
- [Download not found]
Opening Remarks and introductions
Thomas J. Coates, PhD and Lisa Bohmer, MPH
Young Children Affected by HIV and AIDS Initiative and Nurturing Care Framework (WHO) - Slides
Lisa Bohmer, MPH
The Evolving Epidemiology of HIV Exposed Uninfected Children - Slides
Katherine Powis, MD, MBA and Amy Slogrove MD, PhD
Parent-Child Interactions and Child Development - Slides
Catherine Sandhofer, PhD
UCLA’s integration of early childhood development training into ART delivery in Malawi
Kate Dovel PhD and Laurie Bruns MSc MPH
Additional Insights from maternal mental health, stigma, and substance abuse; experiences of trauma and disaster; reproductive health and birth spacing; other health issues of infants and children in low and middle income countries
Commentary from implementers Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation; Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation; Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS
Recommendations for Research, Policy, and Program Implementation
Closing Remarks
Thomas J. Coates, PhD and Lisa Bohmer, MPH