July 14, 2016 – Drs. Steve Shoptaw, Raphael Landovitz, and Jesse Clark presented “Moving Beyond Truvada for PrEP: The Next Generation of Biomedical HIV Prevention and What It Means for Los Angeles,” shared information about the new direction in biomedical HIV prevention and the opportunities it brings to the most at-risk populations in Los Angeles. The event was attended by over 120 community service providers, consumers, and Commission committee members.
Truvada, used as PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV in diverse populations and risk groups when taken daily as prescribed. Some individuals find it challenging to adhere to a daily medication; less than daily use may compromise protective efficacy. The next generation of PrEP agents will attempt to improve on the effectiveness, safety, tolerability, and acceptability of Truvada. Two new NIH sponsored multi-site clinical trials (HPTN 085 and 083) designed to help develop new PrEP agents and strategies for prevention will have participating sites in Los Angeles. These studies are an opportunity for at-risk MSM and transgender individuals who have sex with men to be a part of cutting-edge scientific research. HPTN 085 evaluates the safety of the broadly neutralizing antibody VRC01 as an intravenous infusion for HIV prevention; HPTN 083 compares daily oral Truvada to a long acting injectable antiretroviral (cabotegravir) for HIV prevention. Both studies will contribute critically important information to move the field of biomedical HIV prevention forward, and in the process bring new HIV prevention strategies to the most at-risk populations of Los Angeles County.
2016 July Colloquium Flyer
2016 July Colloquium Slides
CHIPTS hosts a monthly HIV Research and Community Colloquia Series in collaboration with the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV to highlight current issues and conversations surrounding HIV. Click here for past lectures and check out the events page for more information on future Colloquia presentations!