NIMH is accepting R21 applications under an NIMH-specific R21 Program Announcement (PA-18-350) for receipt dates beginning February 16, 2018. Resubmissions of applications previously submitted under the NIH parent R21 Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) may be submitted under PA-18-350.
Clinical Trials are not allowed under the NIMH R21 FOA. Applicants wishing to submit a mechanistic clinical trial R21 application should apply to the NIH Parent Clinical Trial R21 FOA (PA-18-344).
Applicants are encouraged to check the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts and the NIMH Funding Opportunities website for additional future FOAs.
First date(s) that NIMH will accept applications under the new FOAs (PA-18-350 and PA-18-344):
- February 16, 2018 for non-AIDS new applications
- March 16, 2018 for non-AIDS resubmission or revision applications
- May 7, 2018 for AIDS and AIDS-related applications
Last date(s) that NIMH will accept applications under the Parent R21 FOA (PA-16-161):
- October 16, 2017 for non-AIDS new applications
- November 16, 2017 for non-AIDS resubmission or revision applications
- January 8, 2018 for AIDS and AIDS-related applications