October 13, 2017 – On Friday, we officially announced our newly appointed Co-Chairs for our Community Advisory Board (CAB)! Both Natalie Sanchez and Dahlia Ferlito bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and community perspective to the board. The CHIPTS CAB has long been a place of collaboration and discussion between our researchers and the communities affected by HIV. The goal of the advisory group is to ensure that the research, dissemination, and activities conducted by CHIPTS researchers are relevant and meaningful to the lives of the diverse communities they serve.
When asked about their vision for the CHIPTS CAB, Ferlito said, “I wish to continue the legacy of bridging innovative research and community stakeholders together for opportunities of vibrant discussion and creating linkages between academic research and communities most impacted by HIV. I see HIV as a holistic health issue that will take thinking beyond biomedical and behavioral interventions, but also addressing systemic and structural factors that place certain communities at greater risk.” Sanchez shared “I would like to work with the CAB to see ways in which we can encourage and support research that affirmatively recognizes different sexual orientations and incorporate gender, gender expression, and gender identity.” In addition, both Sanchez and Ferlito want “to highlight the intersections of racism, classism, sexism, and ableism, as we discuss issues related to HIV research, prevention, and treatment.” The Co-Chairs were also interested in “looking at the widespread dissemination of research coming from CHIPTS and working with community members who could benefit from implementation and/or adaptation.”
We’re so excited and look forward to their leadership in the CHIPTS CAB!
For more information, you can read more about CAB here and get to know the members of the board here.