Mark Peterson, PhD
Mark Peterson, PhD, is a Professor and former department chair in the Department of Public Policy at the UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin School of Public Affairs, with joint appointments in the Department of Political Science, the Department of Health Policy and Management in the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, and the UCLA School of Law, as well as a Senior Fellow at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. He is a political scientist specializing in American national institutions and the policy-making process, especially the interactions among the presidency, Congress, and interest groups, both within the general domain of domestic policy and with specific attention to health care policy. He also studies public opinion on health and health care issues, as well as the political-institutional factors that shape the influence of research evidence on policy decision making. Among other center affiliations at UCLA, he is a member of the Internal Advisory Board for the Clinical and Translational Science Institute. He is on the Faculty Taskforce for the California Health Benefits Review Program and an elected member of the National Academy of Social Insurance.