June 20, 2023
10:00am – 11:30am Los Angeles
Good afternoon, EHE regional response partners!
Please join us for the next EHE Regional Learning Collaborative session 25 entitled “HIV and Incarceration” on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 10-11:30 AM PT! This session will discuss the intersection of HIV and incarceration in California and approaches to addressing HIV in carceral settings.
Event flyer: HIV and Incarceration (EHE Session 25) - Flyer
If you have any questions, please contact me at erosenberg-carlson@mednet.ucla.edu.
About the EHE Regional Learning Collaborative:
This project began in September 2019 when CHIPTS received a one-year EHE supplement award from the National Institute of Mental Health to engage a regional effort for coordinated EHE response in California. This involved:
- Bringing together stakeholders from the eight California EHE Phase 1 counties;
- working with those stakeholders to assess key needs, collaborative opportunities, and existing resources for a coordinated EHE response;
- and compiling findings and recommendations from this project to help facilitate an EHE regional response.