March 5, 2018
9:30pm – 2:30pm Los Angeles
Semel Instittue NPIH 67-415
The UCLA AIDS Institute/CFAR Training & Education Program Area will be hosting a two-day training workshop on analyzing qualitative data. On Monday, 3/5/18, we will focus on how to conduct preliminary analyses of semi-structured qualitative data in rapid turn-around projects. On Tuesday, 3/6/18, we will instruct participants in the use of ATLAS.ti computer software. This workshop will be tailored to psychosocial and behavioral researchers conducting qualitative analyses.
The workshop will be co-led by Drs. Alison Hamilton and Jessica Moreau. Both instructors are medical anthropologists and health services researchers. Dr. Hamilton has been training investigators on qualitative methods for the past 18 years, and has been conducting UCLA AIDS Institute/CFAR-sponsored workshops for the past eight years. An expert qualitative methodologist, Dr. Moreau co-led the May 2017 ATLAS workshop with Dr. Hamilton, and frequently trains teams in how to conduct qualitative research.
Requirements: Participants are welcome (but not required) to bring their own qualitative data along with their own laptops containing ATLAS.ti software (demo software can be downloaded from
Dates & Location: The workshop will be held on Monday, March 5th and Tuesday, March 6th from 9:30 am-2:30 pm in the Semel Institute, NPIH 67-415 (see for directions). Participants may attend one or both days.
Registration: Registration is on a first come-first serve basis, and space is limited. There is NO COST for this workshop, as this training and light breakfast refreshments (coffee, pastries) are being sponsored by the UCLA AIDS Institute/CFAR.
To register or if you have questions, please contact Dr. Hamilton at