November 9, 2021
10:00am – 12:00pm Los Angeles
Dear Colleagues,
CHIPTS and the HHS Region 9 Prevention Through Active Community Engagement (PACE) program are excited to invite you to a virtual symposium on Faith and Works: A Conversation on HIV/STIs with Faith and Public Health Leaders coming up on Tuesday, November 9, 2021, from 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM PST. This symposium will bring together faith and public health leaders to discuss partnerships, roles, and opportunities to end HIV and STIs across Los Angeles County.
Join us to:
• Review Los Angeles County HIV data and the Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative.
• Hear how faith-based organizations (FBOs) are working to end HIV and STIs.
• Identify and explore opportunities for FBOs and other HIV/STI stakeholders to partner.
• Explore opportunities to strengthen FBOs’ capacity to end HIV and STIs.
More information is available in the attached flyer. Please share widely with your network – all are welcome!