Intervention and Training Manuals

Intervention and Training Manuals




Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT CARE) Project Intervention – Manual

This intervention manual reflects the UCLA Semel Institute-Center for Community Health new strategy to take a holistic approach to help MMT service providers and clients address obstacles and challenges in order to enhance the effectiveness of MMT programs through providing intervention programs for service providers at the selected MMT clinics in Sichuan Province, China. The ultimate goal of the intervention is to improve the physical health and mental health, enhance treatment adherence and reduce HIV risk for the participating MMT clients

Type Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Manuals Non-US Populations Mental Health Strategizing/ Engagement Methods Substance Use

Enhancing the Role of Commune Health Workers in HIV and Drug Control in Vietnam – Intervention Manual

The purpose of this intervention outline is to serve as a guideline for intervention facilitators for training and preparing commune health workers (CHWs) to intervene injecting drug users (IDUs) and their family members (FMs).

Type Global HIV Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals Non-US Populations Substance Use

TEA intervention manual

The TEA (Together for Empowerment Activities) intervention for HIV-affected families in Anhui of China is delivered at three levels simultaneously: 1) TEA Gathering (small group for parent living with HIV [PLH] and family members at the individual level), 2) TEA Time (home-based family activities with children that accompany each TEA Gathering at the family level), and 3) TEA Garden (community events that build social integration for HIV-affected families). The theoretical framework underlying the intervention sessions.

Type Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Manuals Parents/ Family People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Youth and Adolescents

Practice Guides: Skills Common To All Evidence Based Interventions

This guide supports evidence based interventions by providing skills and helpful principles focused on relationship skills and problem management, this guide also provides tools for self management and behavior change.

Type Family Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals Children Intervention

Practice Elements: Skill Building

Skills building intervention that aims to identify a skill that the child wants to develop, set a goal involving the talent or skill he/she wants to develop, and start practicing mastering small steps needed until each goal is achieved.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals Skills Building Youth and Adolescents

Practice Elements: Response Cost

Skills building intervention to provide the caregiver with a convenient, systematic, immediate, and powerful consequence for misbehavior. The more frequent the behavior, the more caregiver attention and monitoring will need to occur, and child’s developmental stage: younger children or children with developmental delays will require simpler penalty programs with fewer target behaviors than will older children.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Self-Monitoring

Skills building intervention that aims to identify target behavior or emotion to monitor, to develop a rating scale to increase accuracy of the observations, and to create a recording procedure.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Problem Solving

Skills building intervention that aims to provide children with a systematic way to negotiate problems and to consider alternative solutions to situations. Familiarize the child with this problem-solving process by starting with your own problem and allow the child to help you in working through the problem solving steps.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Relaxation

Skills building intervention that aims to present the idea that staying calm and relaxing is a good way to affect the way we feel, to demonstrate what relaxation feels like to children who have difficulty relaxing, and to increase a child’s awareness about his or her own tension so that relaxation skills can be applied at
the proper time.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Praise

Skills building intervention that aims to inform the caregiver about the value of praise, to provide the caregiver with strategies to increase the child’s appropriate behavior, and to encourage participation in treatment.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Monitoring

Skills building intervention that aims to identify target behaviors to monitor, to develop a rating scale to increase the accuracy of observation, and to create a recording procedure. Monitoring is gathering information about the child’s behavior to identify area of concern and provide information about how treatment is going.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Modeling

Skills building intervention that aims to promote rapid acquisition of a new skill (e.g., approaching a feared object, having a conversation) and to provide an opportunity for a caregiver to demonstrate the skill or to cue the child to use the skill in appropriate situations.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Goal Setting

Skills building intervention that aims to provide a rationale for using a goal setting framework, to identify goals that are important to the child and family, and to establish a realistic, achievable progression of steps towards desired goals.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Engagement (With Caregiver; With Child)

Skills building intervention that aims to begin to establish rapport with the parent, to elicit the parent’s perspective regarding the child’s main challenges and goals for improvement, and to identify and reduce practical and psychological barriers to participation.

Type Family Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals Parenting

Practice Elements: Attending

Skills building intervention that aims to increase the amount of positive attention provided to the child, even if the child has misbehaved, at other times during the day. The intervention also aims to teach the caregiver to attend to positive behaviors and to promote the child’s sense of self-worth.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Assertiveness Training

Skills building intervention that aims to explain the different ways that people relate to one another, to teach youth how to use socially appropriate strategies to express feelings, stand up for themselves, and disagree with others, and to assist youth in practicing situations in which assertive strategies would be appropriate.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Practice Elements: Activity Selection

Skills building intervention that aims to emphasize the link between positive activities and feeling good, to note that doing more things with someone we like is a good way to enjoy activities, and to explain that we can make ourselves busy so that we don’t have time to worry or feel bad.

Type Population Children and Early Childhood Development Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Manuals

Emergency Room Staff Training for Adolescent Suicide Attempters – Manual

This manual outlines a training program for professions who work with suicidal youth in an emergency room setting. the goal of this training program is to increase the rate at which these youths and their families are compliant with recommended follow-up psychiatric treatment.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Mental Health Education and Training Manuals Service Providers Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Suicide

Evaluation of Imminent Danger for Suicide – Manual

This training manual outlines the essential components of  suicide prevention approaches and techniques, emphasizing the importance of discussing what we do know about teenage suicide and about runaway and homeless youth.

Type Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Mental Health Education and Training Manuals Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Suicide

Successful Negotiation Acting Positively (SNAP) – Manual

This is a brief cognitive-behavioral family therapy manual for adolescent suicide attempters and their families. The therapy will focus on identifying strengths in the family, problem solving inter-personal conflicts, and coping with future suicidal crises.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Mental Health Education and Training Manuals Parents/ Family Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Suicide

CDC Evaluation Toolkit Routine HIV Screening – Intervention Manual

The purpose of the tool kit is to understand patient and provider perspectives is an integral component of evaluating clinical programs to improve clinical services. The purpose of this evaluation toolkit is to offer a package of evaluation materials that can be used to determine the effect that expanded HIV screening activities has on patient attitudes toward and accepting HIV testing. Health care organizations and providers can use the results from the evaluation toolkit for a number of different purposes.

Type Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training Surveys/Scales Service Providers Strategizing/ Engagement Methods

MASIHAMBISANE (Enhances the Adjustment of Children of Mothers Living with HIV) – Intervention Materials

These are intervention materials for all 4 sessions of the Masihambisane intervention that is meant for children of – and mothers living with HIV, the informative graphics focus on living positively, keeping healthy, being prepared, and feeding choices.

Type Global HIV Family Population Children and Early Childhood Development Pregnancy Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Mental Health Manuals Substance Use Parents/ Family People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Pregnancy Substance Use Alcohol Children

Street Smart: Table of Contents – Sessions 1-10

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Manuals Homelessness Skills Building Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 1: Language of HIV and STDs

The participants will acquire current information about HIV/AIDS, its transmission and assessing how great the risk for HIV is for the each of them. Then the participants will be in a better position to determine the pros and cons of getting an HIV test. This training encourages participants to envision a future achieving the goals they have set. Emphasis is placed on the youths’ potential for success and happiness, and how they can reach these goals.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals HIV Infection/ Transmission STD Substance Use Youth and Adolescents Sexually Transmitted Infections/ Diseases Testing Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 2: Personalized Risk

This Street Smart manual aims to have participants know the relative safety of different sexual behaviors, assess the safety of their own sexual behavior, and start to learn how to avoid sexual risk.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Manuals Homelessness Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 3: How to Use Condoms

The purpose of this session is to provide participants an understanding of why using condoms is essential to practicing safer sex. Participants will be able to evaluate condoms, demonstrate skills in using both male and female condoms, and learn to decrease their anxiety about condom use.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Condom Use Coping Condoms Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Homelessness Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 4: Drugs and Alcohol

The main point of this session is for the participants to be able to identify how drugs and alcohol affect their thinking and choices. The model is presented here in order to help potential users understand that what they must control are the triggers that stimulate drug thoughts and beliefs. Once the thoughts and beliefs are activated, stopping the movement toward cravings and use is extremely difficult.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Homelessness Substance Use Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 5: Recognizing and Coping with Feelings

This session introduces participants to more formal ways of coping and assumes that it is useful to understand what coping is designed to do: reduce uncomfortable feelings and fix situations. It is also assumed that exposing participants to a wide range of coping strategies and actions will stimulate them to try different approaches and to develop a larger coping repertoire. The main point of this session is for participants to be able to identify different coping styles in tough situations, and to problem solve solutions.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 7: Self Talk

The main point of this session is for participants to learn how to use their thoughts and self-talk to help them make safer decisions. Knowing how to prepare oneself for a difficult situation and then to use self-talk to guide one through it has been demonstrated to be a very effective coping mechanism. Youth can learn self-talk for the preparation, confrontation, overwhelming, and evaluation phases of a conflict.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 8: Safer Sex

The main point of this session is for the participants to figure out why they engage in risky behaviors, and to learn how to argue against their rationalizations. At this point, it is important to provide the participants with an opportunity to pull all of the experiences in the training together. Since the sessions are ending and the formal group will be disbanding, it is important that the participants engage in a final group effort using their creativity, and experience a sense of closure.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 9: Personal Counseling

Youth often have a difficult time identifying the triggers that cause them to engage in risky behavior. It is useful to have them recall their last unprotected sexual encounter and ask them detailed questions about it. These can include questions such as: who it was; what their relationship was like with that person; where did it take place; when did it happen; and were drugs or alcohol involved. This will help them identify their triggers in a more specific way.

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Self-Efficacy Alcohol

Street Smart Session 10: Community Resource

The youth served in this training programme need a variety of resources providing counselling, health care, alcohol and drug rehabilitation, legal aid, help in enrolling in drama or athletic programmes, and accommodations. To access these services, youth also need to become more self-directed, responsible consumers. To meet this objective, youth require more than just a discussion of where these services can be obtained: they need to be taken to community agencies and centres where they can personally meet the staff and consumers, and so they can become familiar with different sites and their services.

Adolescents/Young Adults Access to Care Type Coping Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Self-Efficacy Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 1, Sess 1: Identifying My Strengths: Creating A Vision for the Future. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths become oriented to and comfortable with the facilitator and counseling interaction, reach consensus on standards for interaction within the sessions, and identify his/her strengths, feelings associated with expressing those strengths, and adaptive activities that promote those feelings.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 1, Sess 2: I’m HIV-Positive: Attitudes as Barriers to Future Goals. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths articulate a vision for a rewarding future, confront self-destructive attitudes that inhibit adaptive functioning and promote substance use and sexual risk acts.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 1, Sess 4: Seeing the Patterns: Why Do I Use Drugs and Alcohol? (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths practice identifying thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions that lead to continued substance use. This manual also aims to help youths identify his/her own triggers in a recent substance use event and implement another tool for self-monitoring substance use.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 1, Sess 5: Beliefs: Thoughts That Influence My Substance Use Patterns. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths clarify emotions and cognitions that trigger substance use, confront belief systems that support substance use and recognize these new beliefs as self-talk statements, and identify self-perceptions related to use-supporting beliefs.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 1, Sess 6: Future Goals: The Impact of Using Drugs and Alcohol. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths continue to shape self-monitoring skills, learn formal problem-solving protocol and practice problem solving skills, and review local resources for substance use treatment.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 7: Higher Self and Sexual Decisions: Facing the Challenges. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths become reoriented to and comfortable with the individual counseling modality and review standards for interaction and report his/her progress on substance use goals.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Condoms Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 8: Higher Self and Sexual Decisions: Changing Risk Behaviors. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths revisit substance use as an ongoing focus of this program and a necessary component for achieving success with all other goals. This manual also aims to increase awareness of his/her sexual behavior patterns, as well as motivation and basic skills for changing them.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Condoms Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 9: Making Sexual Decisions: Having Safety and Pleasure. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths advance his/her drug and alcohol monitoring skills, increase skills for protecting him/herself and others from HIV reinfection or other STD infection, and be able to indicate which sexual acts provide the most protection.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Condoms Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Disclosure Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 10: Making Sexual Decisions: Can I Use Condoms (Correctly)? (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths explore attitudes toward condom use in the prevention of HIV and STD transmission, review proper use of the male and female condom, and explore ways to normalize and eroticize condom use.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Condoms Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Youth and Adolescents Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 11: Making Sexual Decisions: Can I Influence My Partner To Use Condoms? (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths identify the barriers and problems in trying to get partners to accept condoms in the relationship, practice how to negotiate condom use with his/her partners, and report increased self-efficacy for talking to partners about condom use.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Condoms Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Disclosure Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 12: Making Sexual Decisions: How Do I Refuse Unprotected Sex? (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths explore the pros and cons of refusing unprotected sex, identify and confront the ethical decisions in refusing unprotected sex, and practice how to refuse unprotected sex.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Condoms Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Disclosure Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 3, Sess 13: Motivation for Change: Wanting to Stay Healthy (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths become reoriented to and comfortable with their individual counseling, review standards for interaction and his/her progress on reducing substance use and the risk of sexual acts, and be able to identify advantages of performing healthy behaviors.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Access to Care Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 3, Sess 14: Attending Health Care Appointments (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help participants increase his/her motivation to attend medical appointments, change attitudes that interfere with attending health care appointments, and identify and problem-solve barriers to keeping appointments.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Access to Care Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Healthcare Utilization Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Linkage to/ Retention in Care Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 3, Sess 15: Participating In Medical Care: Communication and Decision-making Skills (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help participants continue to develop substance management skills, continue assertive communication skills development, and be able to interact assertively with their physicians around medical issues of importance to them.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Access to Care Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 3, Sess 16: Medication Schedules: Can I Stay on Track? (1.5 hrs.)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths continue developing substance use management skills, review the basic facts regarding HIV replication and antiretroviral therapy, and explore feelings about taking antiretroviral medications.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Stigma Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 3, Sess 17: Medication Schedules: More Tools to Stay on Track (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths continue developing substance use management skills, learn how to associate taking medications with daily routines, and learn basic reminder strategies to increase antiretroviral medication adherence.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Stigma Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR- Mod 3, Sess 18: Maintaining My Progress: Focus on the Future. (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths redefine personal wants for the future as a motivation for continued effort on treatment goals., connect personal strivings to aspects of the higher self, and articulate progress made in each major area of the intervention.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Stigma Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR Individual Workbook I (Prevention for HIV Positive Adult and Youths)

This Implementation Manual was developed as an intervention for young people with HIV. This intervention provides additional benefits to participants such as enhancing their quality of life, creating opportunities for them to connect with other people living with the virus, and teaching them the negotiation and practice of safer sex skills.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR Individual Workbook II (Prevention for HIV Positive Adult and Youths)

This Implementation Manual was developed as an intervention for young people with HIV. This intervention provides additional benefits to participants such as enhancing their quality of life, creating opportunities for them to connect with other people living with the virus, and teaching them the negotiation and practice of safer sex skills.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR Individual Workbook III (Prevention for HIV Positive Adult and Youths)

This Implementation Manual was developed as an intervention for young people with HIV. This intervention provides additional benefits to participants such as enhancing their quality of life, creating opportunities for them to connect with other people living with the virus, and teaching them the negotiation and practice of safer sex skills.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR Client Flow Chart (Prevention for HIV Positive Adults and Youths)

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Youth and Adolescents

CLEAR Wall Charts (Prevention for HIV Positive Adult and Youths)

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Alcohol

CLEAR Implementation and Intervention Manual (Prevention for HIV Positive Adults and Youths)

This Implementation Manual was developed as a guide for agencies implementing Project CLEAR, an intervention with youth and adults living with HIV/AIDS. The staff of agencies implementing Project CLEAR, including the Program Manager, Clinical Supervisor, and Counselors, can use this manual to help them conduct the intervention

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Population Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Alcohol

GUYS Skills Building Manual: Health Education and Risk Reduction Intervention

The GUYS skills building manual aims to understand and identify the difference between the normal or common feelings and emotions that come up in everyday life, clinical depression, and the psychological side effects of substance use.

Type Education/Academics Condom Use Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Mental Health Risk Education and Training Manuals Skills Building Substance Use Mental Health Substance Use Alcohol

CLEAR Telephone Conf Call Grp- Mod 1, Sess 1- Identifying My Strengths: Creating A Vision for the Future (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to have youths become oriented to and comfortable with the tele-counseling modality, reach consensus on standards for group interaction, and identify their strengths.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Technology Alcohol

CLEAR Telephone Conf Call Grp- Mod 1, Sess 2- Im HIV Positive: Attitudes as Barriers To Future Goals (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to have participants articulate a vision for a rewarding future and confront self-destructive attitudes that inhibit adaptive functioning and promote substance use and sexual risk acts.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Technology Alcohol

CLEAR Telephone Conf Call Grp- Mod 1, Sess 4- Beliefs: Thoughts That Influence My Substance Use Patterns (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to have youths clarify emotions and cognitions that trigger substance use, confront belief systems that support substance use, and identify self-perceptions related to use-supporting beliefs.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Substance Use Technology Alcohol

CLEAR Telephone Conf Call Grp- Mod 1, Sess 5- Future Goals: The Impact of Using Drugs and Alcohol (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to have youths explore feelings and self-perceptions related to substance use, examine the impact of using on their short-term and long-term goals, and review local resources for substance use treatment.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Substance Use Technology Alcohol

CLEAR Telephone Conf Call Grp- Mod 1, Sess 6- Making Commitments: Evaluating and Changing Substance Use (1.5 hrs)

This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to have youths define their current use of drugs and alcohol. This manual also aims to set a baseline of drug and alcohol use, prepare for evaluating their performance in reducing or stopping alcohol or drug use, and make a weekly schedule.

Adolescents/Young Adults Adherence Type Condom Use Disclosure Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Risk Education and Training Manuals Stigma Substance Use Mental Health Substance Use Technology Alcohol

Youth Light Workbook

Adolescents/Young Adults Type Population Homelessness Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Homelessness Mental Health Youth and Adolescents Substance Use

HIV Prevention with Commercial Sex Workers in Three Communities in India – Intervention

Logic model representing Durbar intervention component development and targeted outcomes, this includes components from the Empowerment Outcome Domains & Measures in Replication Study.

Type Global HIV Condom Use Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals HIV Infection/ Transmission Non-US Populations Sex Work Sexually Transmitted Infections/ Diseases Testing

MASIHAMBISANE (Enhances the Adjustment of Children of Mothers Living with HIV) – Pregnancy Health Book

The pregnancy health book is meant for mothers living with HIV. Encouraging mothers to test for HIV and bring your partner to test, avoid things that are bad for them and the baby, and making sure to deliver at a hospital or a health facility.

Type Global HIV Family Population Children and Early Childhood Development Pregnancy Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Mental Health Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Parents/ Family People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Women Youth and Adolescents Pregnancy Alcohol Children

MASIHAMBISANE (Enhance the Adjustment of Children of Mothers Living with HIV) – Manual Part 2

This manual aims to give women an opportunity to talk about their feelings about being HIV+ and pregnant, make women aware of the importance of looking after their physical and emotional health now that they know they are HIV+ and pregnant, and motivating the women to attend 4 antenatal clinic appointments and 4 Project Masihambisane sessions before their baby is born.

Type Global HIV Family Population Children and Early Childhood Development Pregnancy Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Mental Health Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Parents/ Family People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Women Youth and Adolescents Pregnancy Alcohol Children

MASIHAMBISANE (Enhance the Adjustment of Children of Mothers Living with HIV) – Manual Part 1

The goal of Project Masihambisane is to design, implement, and evaluate a robust, sustainable, and scalable intervention that improves the health and mental health of Mothers Living with HIV (MLH) in order to enhance the health and adjustment of their children. The intervention focuses on HIV-positive pregnant women in KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa.

Type Global HIV Family Population Children and Early Childhood Development Pregnancy Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Mental Health Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Parents/ Family People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Women Youth and Adolescents Pregnancy Alcohol Children

MASIHAMBISANE (Enhance the Adjustment of Children of Mothers Living with HIV) – Intervention Outline

The goal of Project Masihambisane is to design, implement, and evaluate a robust, sustainable, and scalable intervention that improves the health and mental health of Mothers Living with HIV (MLH) in order to enhance the health and adjustment of their children. The intervention focuses on HIV-positive pregnant women in KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa.

Type Global HIV Family Population Children and Early Childhood Development Pregnancy Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Mental Health Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Parents/ Family People with HIV (HIV+) Mental Health Women Youth and Adolescents Pregnancy Alcohol Children

Stereotypes About AIDS Questionnaire (SAAQ)

The Stereotypes About AIDS Questionnaire (SAAQ) consists of 4 sections. Section A has 30 items; Section B has 35 items; Section C has 30 items; and Section D has 20 items. In responding to the SAAS, individuals are asked to indicate how much they agree versus disagree with each statement, using a 5-point Likert format: agree (+2); slightly agree (+1); neither agree nor disagree (0); slightly disagree (-1); and disagree (-2). In order to create subscale scores, the items on each subscale are averaged. Higher positive (negative) scores correspond to greater agreement (disagreement) with the stereotypes measured by the SAAQ. The SAAQ consists of 15 separate subscales. Several SAAS items are reversed-scored (A8, A20, A21, C2, C12, AND D4) before the subscales are computed.

Type Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Discrimination Surveys/Scales Mental Health

AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale (ADSS)

In order to gain insight into the nature of how people discuss sexual topics such as AIDS with a potential sex partner, Snell and Finney (1990) developed the AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale (ADSS), an objective self-report instrument designed to measure the types of interpersonal discussion strategies that women and men use if they want to discuss AIDS with an intimate partner. The AIDS Discussion Strategy Scale (ADSS) was found to have subscales involving the use of six specific types of discussion tactics: rational strategies, defined as straightforward, reasonable attempts to discuss AIDS in a forthright manner with an intimate partner; manipulative strategies, defined as deceptive and indirect efforts to persuade an intimate partner to engage in conversation about AIDS; withdrawal strategies, defined as attempts to actually avoid any extended interpersonal contact with an intimate partner until this individual agrees to a discussion about AIDS; charm strategies, defined as acting in pleasant and charming ways toward an intimate partner in order to promote a discussion about AIDS; subtlety strategies, defined as involving the use of hinting and subtle suggestions in order to elicit a conversation about AIDS; and persistence strategies, defined as persistent and continuous attempts to try to influence an intimate partner to discuss AIDS.

Type Communication Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Education and Training STD Surveys/Scales Mental Health

The TransAction Skills Building Groups

The TransAction skills building sixty-minute workshop by Friends Research Institute, will provide an understanding on how to differentiate between “common law” documentation and legal documentation, understand the name and gender change process and identify agencies that can provide or help with the process, and identify medical providers that can provide free or low cost hormone therapy and sign the “Name and Gender Change Form” (DMV form #DL-328).

Type Education/Academics Population Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Mental Health Transgender Persons

Patients taking Responsibility for Individual Doses Everyday (Pride) Intervention Manual

The PRIDE Intervention manual aims to help patients simplify medication information providing a rationale for full compliance, introduce problem-solving approaches, and introduce adherence strategies.

Adherence Type Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Living with HIV Education and Training Manuals Mental Health

Getting Off Training Manual (Meth Abuse Treatment in HIV Prevention)

Individuals who enter outpatient treatment for methamphetamine abuse find themselves dealing with a great deal of chaos due to the consequences of their drug use on the social, work, and/or legal spheres of their lives. The antidote for this chaos is to emphasize the role of structure in building order and predictability into participants’ lives. Beginning with this session and at the start of each subsequent session, it is crucial for the counselor to underscore the importance of building structure into participants’ lives.

Type Coping Topics Intervention and Training Manuals Risk Education and Training Manuals Substance Use Mental Health Substance Use Alcohol