Kara Chew, MD, MS
Kara Chew, MD, MS joined the CARE Center in 2010 as part of her Infectious Diseases Fellowship at UCLA, following internal medicine residency and a junior clinical faculty position in the Division of General Internal Medicine at UCSF. She is a research investigator at CARE, with a focus on studies to improve the treatment and outcomes of those with Hepatitis C and HIV/Hepatitis C co-infection. She is also an HIV and Hepatitis C clinician. Dr. Chew enjoys playing tennis, hiking, and otherwise enjoying the great weather in Los Angeles.
Contact: kchew@mednet.ucla.edu
1. Lin, H., Chen, Y., Abror-Lacks, G., Price, M., Morris, A., Sun, J., Palella, F., Chew, K. W., Brown, T. T., Rinaldo, C. R., & Peddada, S. D. (2024). Sexual behavior is linked to changes in gut microbiome and systemic inflammation that lead to HIV-1 infection in men who have sex with men. Communications biology, 7(1), 1145.
3. Lu, M. T., Ribaudo, H., Foldyna, B., Zanni, M. V., Mayrhofer, T., Karady, J., Taron, J., Fitch, K. V., McCallum, S., Burdo, T. H., Paradis, K., Hedgire, S. S., Meyersohn, N. M., DeFilippi, C., Malvestutto, C. D., Sturniolo, A., Diggs, M., Siminski, S., Bloomfield, G. S., Alston-Smith, B., … REPRIEVE Trial Writing Group (2024). Effects of Pitavastatin on Coronary Artery Disease and Inflammatory Biomarkers in HIV: Mechanistic Substudy of the REPRIEVE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA cardiology, 9(4), 323–334.
Last updated: 1/15/ 2025