Updated Slide Set: Mortality Slide Series
The slides in this series analyze trends in rates and distributions of death in the United States, focusing on deaths due to HIV disease (disease directly or indirectly attributed to HIV, including AIDS). They are based on data compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics from death certificates of US residents in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for the years 1987-2008 (2008 being the latest year for which data are available).

Updated Slide Set: HIV Surveillance by Race/Ethnicity (through 2010)
Slides on HIV infection surveillance by race/ethnicity have been updated with information from the 2010 HIV surveillance report.

Updated Slide Set: HIV Surveillance – Epidemiology of HIV Infection (through 2010)
Slides based on epidemiology of HIV infection have been updated with information from the 2010 HIV surveillance report.