This CAB will advise the Los Angeles County Division of HIV and STD Programs and the PATH Study Investigators on the delivery of services for HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment.


PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. PrEP is an HIV prevention strategy of administering anti-retroviral medications to uninfected, at-risk individuals. TLC+ stands for Testing and Linkage to Care Plus Treatment. TLC+ is a framework for integrating HIV testing, care and treatment, social services and prevention-with-positives activities in provider settings or in health jurisdictions.


They are seeking a diverse CAB membership and encourage applications from individuals who have life or professional experience relevant to HIV counseling and testing, linkage to HIV medical care, re-engagement or retention in HIV/AIDS medical care, behavioral prevention, and biomedical prevention.

Applications are due by June 1, 2012.

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