Abstract: Depression is the leading cause of adult disability and common among lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) adults. Primary care depression quality improvement (QI) programs can improve outcomes for minorities more significantly than for nonminorities, but they are seldom available in safety-net systems. We build on findings from Community Partners in Care (CPIC) and Building Resiliency and Increasing Community Hope (B-RICH). CPIC compared depression QI approaches across healthcare and social /community services in communities of color. CPIC included healthcare and “community-trusted” programs (e.g., homeless, faithbased) to work as a network to address depression, compared to individual-program technical assistance. In CPIC, both conditions improved mental wellness, mental health quality of life, and depression over 12 months. B-RICH, a randomized study, evaluated lay delivery of a seven-session, CBTinformed resiliency education class versus case management on patients’ depressive symptoms over three months, in unpublished but completed analyses. The proposed demonstration supplements the resiliency class with a mobile/interactive voice response case management tool to reinforce class content and depression care reminders (BRICH+).