Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this project is a collaboration between In The Meantime Men’s Group, Inc. (ITMT) and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health HIV Epidemiology Program. The objectives of the project are to recruit and enroll 530 African American MSM, ages 18-29 years, for a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test the efficacy of the MyLife MyStyle group-level, HIV prevention intervention to reduce unprotected anal sex among intervention participants over a six-month follow-up period. Specific activities required to evaluate the RCT include development of a program theory/logic model, refinement of the “home-grown” intervention curriculum, process evaluation of participant enrollment and retention, fidelity monitoring of the intervention facilitator to the MyLife MyStyle curriculum, development of quantitative and qualitative instruments, and evaluation of program outcomes at three and six month follow-up assessments.
This project is currently in progress. The assessments, curriculum, protocol, are project documents being prepared for CDC review. They are not available for release. Dr. Rosemary Veniegas of CHIPTS serves as the Evaluation Consultant on the project.