Abstract: This 5-year project is a randomized controlled trial of the TEA (Together for Empowerment Activities) intervention. TEA intervention is an innovative, theoretically-based, culturally sensitive family intervention for HIV-affected families in rural China. The intervention will have six sessions (plus a preparation session) delivered at three levels simultaneously: 1) TEA Gathering (small group for parents living with HIV (PLH) and their family members), 2) TEA Time (home-based family activities with children), and 3) TEA Garden (community events). Built on the extensive pilot work by the collaborative team in the past 5 years, we propose to conduct the randomized controlled trial of TEA intervention with 480 HIV-affected families in 24 villages in Anhui, China, including 480 PLH, 480 sero-negative family members, and 720 children aged 6-18. We will randomly assign villages to either: 1) TEA intervention group (with all three levels of activity), or 2) a control group (with limited activities). The efficacy the intervention will be determined over 24 months at five time points: baseline, 6, 12, 18, and 24 month follow-ups. The primary outcomes are children’s physical health, mental health and behavioral adjustment. Secondary outcomes will be the PLH’s and family members’ physical health, mental health, and quality of life, as well as family indicators such as consistent daily routines, positive family interactions, parenting, coping, and community integration.
Project Number: 5R01HD068165-05
Contact PI/ Project Leader
FOA: PA-10-067/ Study Section: Behavioral and Social Consequences of HIV/AIDS Study Section[BSCH]
Project Start Date: 01-May-2011
Project End Date:31-October-2016
Budget Start Date: 01-March-2015
Budget End Date: 31-October-2016
NIH Categorical Spending
Targeted Risk Group:
Anhui province in ChinaHIV-affected families, including PLH, family members, and children
Intervention model:
Social cognitive theory, community mobilization model, and behavioral change model.
Research Methods:
- Focus groups for feedback and finalization of the intervention activities, assessment measures and implementation procedures.
- An intervention pilot with 40 HIV-affected families, including 40 PLH, 40 family members and 40 children aged 6-18.
- Pilot assessments with 79 families and intervention outcome comparison between the intervention and control groups at baseline, 3 and 6-month follow-ups.
Local Significance:
- Improve physical, mental health and quality of life of PLH, family members and children.
- Improve positive interaction among family members for support.
- Improve community integration for families impacted by HIV.
- Provide important data for a potential intervention trial in China for children and families impacted by HIV.
International Significance:
- It provides a multi-level intervention model for families affected by HIV.
- It provides a feasible intervention that can be implemented in poor, rural areas in the world.