Jane M. Simoni, PhD
Jane M. Simoni, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and a Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Global Health at the University of Washington in Seattle. She is active in the UW Center for AIDS Research, serving as the incoming Director of the Behavioral Science Core, the incoming Senior Advisor of the eHealth Scientific Working Group, and the current Associate Director of the Substance Abuse and HIV/STI Scientific Working Group. She co-chairs NIAID’s HIV/AIDS Network Coordinating Committee’s Behavioral Science Consultative Group. Her research has focused on behavioral aspects of HIV treatment (especially medication adherence), and she has led NIMH-funded intervention studies in New York (R01 MH58986), Seattle (R01 MH58986), China (R34 MH074364), the U.S.-Mexico border (R34 MH0846740), and Haiti (R34 MH112378). The Chinese national government has recognized her with a “High-End Foreign Expert” Award for 2015-2018. She has over 180 publications, and two of her medication adherence intervention strategies (peer support and electronic reminders) are included among those with “Good Evidence” in the CDC’s DEBI program for adherence interventions. She has participated in research and training awards on HIV, mental health, and substance use in the U.S. as well as India, Kenya, Rwanda, and South Africa. Her current work aims to employ digital technology to enhance intervention impact and dissemination. A recipient of a K24 from NIMH and several mentoring awards, she actively trains students and early career investigators across disciplines, having been a primary sponsor on numerous F31, F32, T32, and K awards.