Raphael Landovitz, MD, MSc, is Professor of Medicine at the UCLA Center for Clinical AIDS Research & Education. He is also the Center Co-Director of CHIPTS. He has led combination prevention intervention studies and projects using Post-Exposure (PEP) and Pre-Exposure (PrEP) strategies for MSM and TGW, as well as being part of leadership groups of the DAIDS-funded AIDS Clinical Trial Groups (ACTG), HIV Prevention Trial Network (HPTN), and former adolescent Trial Network (ATN). He recently completed a term as chair of the ACTG Antiretroviral Strategies Scientific Committee, is the principal investigator of two multisite PrEP demonstration project in Los Angeles County, and leads the NIH/DAIDS-funded Phase 2 and Phase 3 registrational clinical trials evaluating long-acting injectable Cabotegravir for PrEP. He serves on the Executive Committee of the HIV Prevention Trials Network, and was awarded the HIVMA HIV Research Award in 2017. His research agenda focuses on the optimization of the use of antiretroviral medication for both HIV treatment and HIV prevention.
Contact: rlandovitz@mednet.ucla.edu
1. Delany-Moretlwe, S., Hanscom, B., Guo, X., Nkabiito, C., Mandima, P., Nahirya, P. N., Mpendo, J., Bhondai-Mhuri, M., Mgodi, N., Berhanu, R., Farrior, J., Piwowar-Manning, E., Ford, S. L., Hendrix, C. W., Rinehart, A. R., Rooney, J. F., Adeyeye, A., Landovitz, R. J., Cohen, M. S., Hosseinipour, M. C., … HPTN 084 Study Team (2025).
Evaluation of long-acting cabotegravir safety and pharmacokinetics in pregnant women in eastern and southern Africa: a secondary analysis of HPTN 084. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 28(1), e26401.
2. Edupuganti, S., Hurt, C. B., Stephenson, K. E., Huang, Y., Paez, C. A., Yu, C., Yen, C., Hanscom, B., He, Z., Miner, M. D., Gamble, T., Heptinstall, J., Seaton, K. E., Domin, E., Lin, B. C., McKee, K., Doria-Rose, N., Regenold, S., Spiegel, H., Anderson, M., … HVTN 136/HPTN 092 Study Team (2025). Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and neutralisation activities of the anti-HIV-1 monoclonal antibody PGT121.414.LS administered alone and in combination with VRC07-523LS in adults without HIV in the USA (HVTN 136/HPTN 092): a first-in-human, open-label, randomised controlled phase 1 trial. The lancet. HIV, 12(1), e13–e25.
3. Gandhi, R. T., Landovitz, R. J., Sax, P. E., Smith, D. M., Springer, S. A., Günthard, H. F., Thompson, M. A., Bedimo, R. J., Benson, C. A., Buchbinder, S. P., Crabtree-Ramirez, B. E., Del Rio, C., Eaton, E. F., Eron, J. J., Jr, Hoy, J. F., Lehmann, C., Molina, J. M., Jacobsen, D. M., & Saag, M. S. (2024). Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV in Adults: 2024 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society-USA Panel. JAMA, 10.1001/jama.2024.24543. Advance online publication.
Last updated: 1/16/2025