Expanding PrEP use in Los Angeles County: 2024 and Beyond

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to the FINAL workshop hosted by our Equitable Injectable PrEP in LA County Initiative. Here are details for the upcoming workshop:

  • Title: Expanding PrEP use in Los Angeles County: 2024 and Beyond
  • Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
  • Time & Place: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PT via Zoom
  • Description: The workshop will feature a panel presentation from staff at the Division of HIV and STD Programs on current and future plans to expand PrEP use in Los Angeles County.
  • Registration Link: https://uclahs.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_a6vqIyThRb6RvehS34bSow#/registration

The primary audience for this workshop is HIV service providers and their staff. All are welcome.

Please share this opportunity with your networks. A flyer is attached.

If you have any questions, please contact Elena Rosenberg-Carlson at erosenberg-carlson@mednet.ucla.edu.




Prioritizing Global Health Equity in Research: Lessons from South Africa

Dear Colleagues,

CHIPTS is pleased to invite you to attend an in-person global health seminar entitled, “Prioritizing Global Health Equity in Research: Lessons from South Africa” on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT, at UCLA CHS 23-105.

This seminar features CHIPTS very own Dvora Joseph Davey, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, UCLA DGSOM. Dr. Davey will focus on research to address equitable delivery of HIV and STI interventions, focusing on a case study of oral and injectable PrEP, and STI management, in pregnant and lactating people, in South Africa.

RSVP to receive a light lunch at the seminar, a virtual option is also available upon request.

Address: UCLA CHS 23-105

630 Charles E Young Dr S, Los Angeles, CA 90095

REGISTER HERE or copy and paste bit.ly/globalhealthSA

If you have any questions, please contact Damilola Jolayemi (ojolayemi@mednet.ucla).


Equitable Injectable PrEP in LA County Initiative

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to the next community workshop hosted by our Equitable Injectable PrEP in LA County Initiative. Here are the details:

  • Title: Let’s Talk About PrEP! Tips and Tools for Effective Messaging
  • Date: Tuesday, March 26, 2024
  • Time & Place: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PT via Zoom
  • Description: Senior Consultant Robbyn Kistler of KFF’s Social Impact Media Program will discuss techniques and resources community partners can use to communicate effectively about PrEP to populations disproportionately impacted by HIV in LA County.
  • Registration Link: https://uclahs.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_71DF_fFlRdmd3BbtRLnJaA#/registration

The primary audience for this workshop is service providers and staff at agencies that provide HIV prevention services to Black and Latino/a men who have sex with men and transgender women in Los Angeles County. All are welcome.

Please share this opportunity with your networks.

If you have any questions, please contact Elena Rosenberg-Carlson at erosenberg-carlson@mednet.ucla.edu.



Innovative Community-Based HIV/AIDS Implementation Programs and Research in Cambodia

CHIPTS is pleased to invite you to an in-person lecture presented by Dr. Siyan Yi entitled “Innovative Community-Based HIV/AIDS Implementation Programs and Research in Cambodia” on Monday, October 9, 2023, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT at CHS 17-323 – Bel Air Conference Room (UCLA).

Siyan Yi, MD, MHSc, PhD, is an infectious disease epidemiologist holding a PhD in International Health from the University of Tokyo. He is an Assistant Professor at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, leading the Regional Integrated Research Program. He is also the founding Director at the KHANA Center for Population Health Research in Cambodia and Adjunct Associate Professor at Touro University California in the United States.

Space is limited. Please register ASAP. Lunch will be provided for those who RSVP.

Location: CHS 17-323 – Bel Air Conference Room (UCLA)

Address: 10833 Le Conte Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095

RSVP Here or copy and paste URL: https://t.co/dVdoziXK4o

If you have any questions, please contact Enrique Sanchez at EESanchez@mednet.ucla.edu


If you are unable to attend in-person, join the meeting via zoom using the link below:



Equitable Injectable PrEP in LA County Initiative – Workshop 4: implementing LAI PrEP with Black and Latino/a MSM and Transgender Women (BLMSM/TW): Practical and Cultural Considerations

Dear colleagues,


On behalf of our Equitable Injectable PrEP in LA County Initiative, we are excited to invite you to our next community workshop entitled Implementing LAI PrEP with Black and Latino/a MSM and Transgender Women (BLMSM/TW): Practical and Cultural Considerations on Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 10:00-11:30 AM PT via Zoom. Join this workshop to learn about practical strategies for implementing long-acting injectable PrEP in your clinic and cultural considerations for effectively serving BLMSM/TW in Los Angeles County with this new prevention option.


The primary audience for this workshop is healthcare providers, clinic administrators, clinic staff, and other frontline staff who serve BLMSM/TW in Los Angeles County. All are welcome.




Please feel free to share this opportunity with others in your networks – a flyer is attached. If you have any questions, please contact Elena Rosenberg-Carlson at erosenberg-carlson@mednet.ucla.edu.


Collaborative Research and Education on Global Health between Hanoi Medical University and UCLA

Dear Colleagues,

CHIPTS, in collaboration with the DGSOM Global Health Program (GHP), invites you to attend a special lecture entitled, “Collaborative Research and Education on Global Health between Hanoi Medical University and UCLA,” featuring speaker Giang Minh Le, MD, PhD, Professor in Epidemiology and Global Health from Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam. Over the past ten years, he has led the efforts to build addiction workforce in Vietnam through technology transfer centers. He also led the development of the Sexual Health Promotion (SHP) Clinic of Hanoi Medical University Hospital, a unique one-stop-shop health care facility for gay men and transgender women in Hanoi.

The lecture will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 12pm – 1pm PT in CHS 23-105  (Center for the Health Sciences building on the UCLA Campus) – 650 Charles E Young Dr S Los Angeles, CA 90095

A light lunch will be provided for registered in-person attendees.

Please RSVP for in-person or virtual attendance.  

If you have any questions, please contact Enrique Sanchez at EESanchez@mednet.ucla.edu.


EHE Learning Collaborative Session 24: Strategies and Approaches to Address Viral Hepatitis

Good afternoon, EHE regional response partners!

Please join us for the next EHE Regional Learning Collaborative session 24 entitled “Strategies and Approaches to Address Viral Hepatitison Tuesday, May 23, 2023, 10-11:30 AM PT! This session will discuss effective strategies to address viral hepatitis and its intersection with the HIV epidemic in California.

Event flyer: Strategies and Approaches to Address Viral Hepatitis - Flyer


If you have any questions, please contact me at erosenberg-carlson@mednet.ucla.edu.

About the EHE Regional Learning Collaborative:

This project began in September 2019 when CHIPTS received a one-year EHE supplement award from the National Institute of Mental Health to engage a regional effort for coordinated EHE response in California. This involved:

  • Bringing together stakeholders from the eight California EHE Phase 1 counties;
  • working with those stakeholders to assess key needs, collaborative opportunities, and existing resources for a coordinated EHE response;
  • and compiling findings and recommendations from this project to help facilitate an EHE regional response.


Equitable Injectable PrEP in LA County Initiative – Workshop 3: Accessing LAI PrEP in LA County

Dear colleagues,

CHIPTS invites you to attend an upcoming online community workshops on long-acting injectable PrEP, hosted by our Equitable Injectable PrEP in LA County Initiative! This workshops is entitled “Accessing LAI PrEP in LA County: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go.” This workshop will cover how and where individuals can access long-acting injectable PrEP in Los Angeles County. All are welcome to join the workshop

Please see the attached flyers for more information about each workshop.

Implementation Science Beachside Chat: What’s new with the updated CFIR?

Please join our UCLA Rapid, Rigorous, Relevant (3R) Implementation Science Hub for the next Implementation Science Beachside Chat on What’s new with the updated CFIR? coming up on Friday, March 24, from 10-11 AM PT! Hosted by Dr. Alison Hamilton, this Chat will feature Ms. Laura Damschroder in an informal discussion with colleagues Dr. Matthew Chinman and Dr. Shari Rogal about recent updates to the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), one of the most commonly used determinant frameworks in implementation research and practice.

Please REGISTER HERE to join and share this opportunity with your networks! A flyer is attached.

To access past Chats and methods workshops hosted by the Hub, check out our YouTube playlist. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Translational perspectives on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV

Dear colleagues,

Our partners at UCLA CTSI in collaboration with the DGSOM are hosting an in-person/virtual (hybrid) seminar for their 2022-23 Distinguished Speaker Series at the NRB Auditorium (UCLA Campus) on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm PT. Learn more below

The seminar will feature CHIPTS very own Policy Core Director Dr. Nina Harawa who will be presenting on “Translational perspectives on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.”

The seminar series emphasizes the DGSOM research themes which include: cancer, neuroscience, metabolism, regenerative medicine, cardiovascular research, and I3T (immunity, inflammation, infection and transplantation). Participants can expect to hear from nationally and internationally recognized speakers coming from NIH-NIAID, NIH-NCI, Harvard University, UCSF, Johns Hopkins University, University of British Columbia, Caltech, and more. View the detailed schedule or the series’ webpage to see the full list of upcoming speakers.

Please REGISTER HERE to join and share this opportunity with your networks! A flyer is attached.

If you have any questions, please contact Lucy Vaca at llvaca@mednet.ucla.edu.