The Los Angeles County Commission on HIV Meeting

CHIPTS is excited to be partnering with the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV on a colloquia presentation featuring Dr. Dilara Uskup and Omar Nieto, entitled: “Piloting TelePrEP Information Sessions to Increase PrEP Awareness and Uptake among Black and Latina Cisgender Women.” The event is coming up on Thursday, March 10, from 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM PST.

Public comment is an opportunity for members to comment on an agenda item, or any item of interest to the public, before or during Commission’s consideration of the item, that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. To submit public comment, you may join the virtual meeting via your smart device and post public comment in the chat box-or-email your public comment to -or- subit your public comment electronically via All Public Comments will be made part of the official record. 

Register Here!

Colloquium: “Rise, a Community-Based Culturally Congruent Adherence Intervention for Black Americans Living with HIV”

Drs. Laura Bogart and Matt Mutchler, Sean J. Lawrence, and Damone Thomas will be describing the community-engaged process of development and testing of Rise, a client-centered and culturally congruent treatment adherence counseling program for Black/African-Americans living with HIV that had a larger effect on adherence than prior HIV adherence intervention studies. The researchers will also describe a new randomized controlled trial that is examining longer-terms effects of Rise on adherence and viral suppression.

Colloquium: “Sin Verguenza Season 3 at HIV Commission”

AltaMed’s Sin Verguenza telenovela series is used as an educational tool across the US to educate communities about HIV.  The project exemplifies the local, statewide, and national collaboration and partnerships leveraged to utilize the series to inform communities about key HIV issues and tackle some of the social determinants of health.   Additionally, lessons learned from producing the series, storytelling with public health messaging, and developing social marketing campaigns are some of the areas that will be shared.  Actors from the series will also be in attendance to discuss their role in the project which will give Commissioners an opportunity to further develop a partnership between these actors and the HIV community.

AltaMed’s presentation will be part of the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV’s meeting agenda. No registration is required.