November 12, 2021

11:00am – 12:00pm Los Angeles

REGISTER TODAY! The UCLA Ground Round entitled, “Getting to Zero San Francisco – Successes, Challenges and Future Strategies.” will take place on Friday, November 12, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., PST. The event will feature Susan Buchbinder, MD:

  • Clinical Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, University of California, San Francisco
  • Director- Bridge HIV, San Francisco Department of Public Health
  • Attending Physician General Medical Clinic, San Francisco General Hospital

Event Flyer: Getting to Zero San Francisco - Successes, Challenges and Future Strategies - Flyer

The Grand Rounds are monthly lecture series, which is offered by the UCLA CHIPTS and UCLA AIDS Institute, consists of hour-long lunchtime lectures, delivered by invited guests or distinguished members of the Institute faculty, on a broad range of subjects. The aims of the program are to highlight important developments in AIDS-related research, encourage collaborations between UCLA investigators and invited speakers, interest young investigators in AIDS research, and provide information about new findings and new funding opportunities.

The Grand Rounds monthly lectures are delivered by renowned researchers/scientists, clinicians, community members and leaders in the HIV prevention and treatment field, and aim to:

  • Share latest research findings on HIV prevention, care, and treatment, and highlight important developments in research
  • Encourage scientific collaborations and networking between UCLA investigators and invited speakers
  • Excite an interest in HIV/AIDS research for early career investigators, and provide resources about new research findings, funding, and career opportunities.

For more information regarding UCLA Grand Rounds, please visit our page.