August 31, 2021
1:00pm – 2:30pm Los Angeles
The goal of this summit is to provide an opportunity for providers to share COVID-19 updates, best practices and strategies for increasing vaccine access and uptake, approaches for community engagement, and lessons learned for the future.
Clinical and non-clinical providers are strongly encourage to attend, including but not limited to nurses, physician assistants, substance use and mental health providers, physicians, and others interested in learning more about COVID-19.
There will be ample opportunity for participants to discuss, ask questions, and share resources during the summit. Please click to submit anonymous questions.
REGISTER HERE TODAY to join us on Zoom!
You can also join us on YouTube Live at
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- Suggested language: @CHIPTS invites clinical and non-clinical #providers to attend a virtual #COVID19 Provider Summit on August 31 from 1pm–2:30pm PST. Join us for the latest COVID-19 updates, best practices and lessons learned for the future.#COVID19Vaccines
Register here:
Visit CHIPTS website for previous COVID-19 vaccines summits.
- Vaccine Confidence and Black Communities Townhall
- COVID-19 Community Leadership Summit 2021 (includes a resource guide for download)