June 21, 2023
12:00pm – 1:00pm Los Angeles
Dear Colleagues,
CHIPTS, in collaboration with the DGSOM Global Health Program (GHP), invites you to attend a special lecture entitled, “Collaborative Research and Education on Global Health between Hanoi Medical University and UCLA,” featuring speaker Giang Minh Le, MD, PhD, Professor in Epidemiology and Global Health from Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam. Over the past ten years, he has led the efforts to build addiction workforce in Vietnam through technology transfer centers. He also led the development of the Sexual Health Promotion (SHP) Clinic of Hanoi Medical University Hospital, a unique one-stop-shop health care facility for gay men and transgender women in Hanoi.
The lecture will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 12pm – 1pm PT in CHS 23-105 (Center for the Health Sciences building on the UCLA Campus) – 650 Charles E Young Dr S Los Angeles, CA 90095
A light lunch will be provided for registered in-person attendees.
Please RSVP for in-person or virtual attendance.
- In-person registration: https://forms.gle/LqQq6MU89cfJW4Di9
- Virtual registration (via Zoom): https://uclahs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYof-2hrjsrGdJXbkkkaQBzc5tpGXQaqjRw
If you have any questions, please contact Enrique Sanchez at EESanchez@mednet.ucla.edu.