This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths reduce any shame they feel about the fact that their mother is living with AIDS, increase their skills in dealing with situations in which they and their families are stigmatized, and increase their ability to relax in tense situations.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths identify their fears concerning their mother’s having AIDS, express their fears, increase their relaxation skills, and learn to accept their fears.
The goal of this training module is to increase the ability of the youths to cope effectively with feelings of sadness over their mother’s illness and anticipated death. The rationale is to start with where these youths are likely to be, and that means exploring the various emotions they are apt to feel during these stressful times.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths identify, express, and own angry feelings toward their mothers. This manual also aims to have youths be able to handle their angry feelings toward their mothers and express understanding of their mothers’ situations.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths identify, express, and own angry feelings toward their mothers. This manual also aims to have youths be able to handle their angry feelings toward their mothers and express understanding of their mothers’ situations.
The following inventory can be used to assess grief associated with death of a loved one (Faschingbauer et al., 1987). Subscales include: past life disruption: Section 1, first 8 items; and present emotion of grief: Section 2, next 13 items.
This survey assesses loss and grief. This survey asks questions related to whose death has been the most difficult to deal with and how much someone who has died has been missed.