Research Grant Opportunities: AIDS Related Malignancies Research

Accepting applications for seed grants to fund multidisciplinary collaborative research between cancer and AIDS investigators on topics relevant to cancers that occur frequently in HIV-infected patients, including AIDS defining and non-AIDS defining malignancies. This includes research that will lead to the development of novel diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic strategies for both AIDS-defining and non-AIDS-defining malignancies, as well as research on the molecular/cellular mechanism, pathogenesis or epidemiology of cancer in persons living with HIV infection.

International Research for HIV/AIDS – Accepting Applications

The UCLA AIDS Institute, the UCLA CFAR and UCLA Center for World Health are accepting seed grant proposals to fund global HIV prevention, clinical, and policy research. The objective is to provide pilot funding for projects that foster collaboration between UCLA and scientists from high-priority developing countries, in order to stimulate research in these countries.

Collaborative RFA for Clinical (2012) – Request for Applications

The UCLA Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), AIDS Institute and the UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) are accepting Letters of Intent for seed grant proposals to encourage multidisciplinary collaborations in innovative, unmet, and/or emerging areas of research. Applicants are invited to submit proposals focused in AIDS areas that include studies on the clinical manifestations of HIV and its associated diseases, their treatment or complications of therapy, clinical observational studies, retrospective or prospective clinical outcomes research, treatment interventions or epidemiology studies with a clear clinical focus.