NIH Public Access Policy Workshop – Slides

These slides are from a CHIPTS led workshop by Enrique Sanchez, CHIPT Core Coordinator that covered the NIH Public Access Policy, which requires that NIH-funded research publications be made freely available in the PubMed Central repository. The slides include your options for compliance. The workshop also discusses the UC Open Access Policy, which requires all University of California research publications to be deposited in the eScholarship repository.

People Aging with HIV In The US: A Simulation Modeling Approach – Slides

Oral presentation by Emily P. Hyle at the HIV Grand Rounds in June 2022 that discusses the life expectancy of people with HIV who are engaged in care and virologically suppressed is near normal, but age-associated co-morbidities are rising. The presentation describes trends in multimorbidity, additional clinical complexity and costs are anticipated in the future. The simulation modeling can be used to project the future burden of co-morbidities among people aging with HIV.

Addressing the HIV Epidemic in Asian and Pacific Islander Communities – Slides

EHE Regional Learning collaborative session entitled Addressing the HIV Epidemic in Asian and Pacific Islander Communities held on Tuesday, May 24, from 10-11:30 AM PT! This session focused on the National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, this session focused on tailored strategies and approaches to tackle HIV in Asian and Pacific Islander communities. This session featured several fantastic panelists, including Nan Ding APAIT and Dr. Wei-Ti Chen (UCLA)

Strategies to Engage and Serve Youth – Slides

EHE Regional Learning Collaborative session entitled Strategies to Engage and Serve Youth held on Tuesday, April 19, from 10-11:30 AM PT! In honor of National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day, this session focused on strategies and approaches for ensuring youth with or at high risk for HIV receive the support and services they need to thrive. Speakers for this session include: Jacob Rowe (Sunburst Projects), Ashia Coleman (3rd Street Youth Center and Clinic), and Miguel Bujanda (REACH LA)

Innovations to Serve Hardly Reached Communities – Slides

EHE Regional Learning Collaborative session focused on Innovations to Serve Hardly Reached Communities featuring Dr. David Goodman-Meza, Luckie Alexander, and Alejandra Aguilar-Avelino held on Tuesday, March 15, from 10-11:30 AM PST! This session discussed strategies and approaches to ensure hardly reached communities at high risk for HIV receive the services they need to thrive, including individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals with problematic substance use, transmasculine individuals, and more.