This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers and youths be able to identify positive qualities in each other and express them to each other. This manual also aims to help mothers and youths become aware of family strengths and have an appreciation of each others values.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers and youths identify common areas of parent-adolescent conflict, distinguish between parent’s and adolescent’s responsibilities, and identify feelings associated with conflict.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers and youths identify obstacles to using the six step conflict resolution procedure and develop ways to overcome them and increase their skills in applying the six step conflict resolution procedure to typical home problems.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have mothers be able to present their custody needs to their teenagers, have youths identify what they want in a custodian, and have mothers and youths be able to solve custody issues.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers and youths learn how to avoid reinfection from injection drug use. This manual also aims to increase mothers and youths commitments to quit, avoid, or reduce substance use.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help youths decrease their motivation to have a baby during adolescence, increase their problem solving skills around unwanted pregnancies, and decrease attitudes that foster pregnancy.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers who have successfully made custody plans will receive reinforcement for their plans and who have had difficulty completing their custody plans will receive assistance in overcoming barriers and in moving further.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help youths and mothers increase their knowledge of STDs and HIV, be able to talk about sex together, and be more motivated to seek responsible and mutually caring sexual relationships.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers pass on a positive legacy to their children, feel good about the legacy they have passed on to their children, and have a sense of direction for the future and what they want to accomplish.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths connect bereavement and risks for early pregnancy, improve their decision-making skills around early pregnancy, and understand that the decision to have a child is also a decision to be a parent.