Flyer for the upcoming conference entitled “Addressing Medical Mistrust in Black Communities: Implications for COVID-19, HIV, Hepatitis, STIs and Other Conditions” that will take place on November 19, 2019. The conference aims to improve understanding of the historical foundations of medical mistrust in Black communities, describe the effects of medical mistrust on health care behaviors, HIV and other health outcomes in Black communities, and discuss clinic and system level changes that foster patient trust.
Flyer for an upcoming colloquia session led by the LA County Commission on HIV on Thursday, June 13, 2019, at the St. Anne Conference Center that addresses the impact of HIV and HIV-related disparities and stigma within Native + Indigenous communities.
Oral presentation by Wendy Garland, LA County Department of Public Health Division of HIV and STD Programs at the “HIV and Meth in Los Angeles County: The Crisis Continues,” conference on May 22, 2019. The presentation uses NHBS data to describe trends in methamphetamine use in Los Angeles County among Men who have sex with men, People who inject drugs (PWID), and heterosexuals at increased risk for HIV. The presentation also describes the importance of monitoring HIV prevalence and trends in behavior among the populations at highest risk for HIV infection in the US.
Oral presentation by Steve Shoptaw, UCLA CHIPTS at the “HIV and Meth in Los Angeles County: The Crisis Continues,” conference on May 22, 2019. The presentation discusses the functions of meth in MSM and describes the MStudy which finds that meth Increases depression symptoms in Both HIV+ and HIV- MSM. Additionally, the presentation describes the impact of contingency management (CM) in boosting nPEP outcomes in at-risk stimulant using MSM.
Oral presentation by Lello Tesema, Substance Abuse Prevention and Control at the “HIV and Meth in Los Angeles County: The Crisis Continues,” conference on May 22, 2019. The presentation provides epidemiological data in relation to methamphetamine seizures, overdose-related deaths, and fatal crashes. Additionally, the presentation discusses meth-related hospitalizations and ED visits in LAC and client characteristics of methamphetamine admissions.
Oral presentaion by Cathy J. Reback, Friends Research Institute, Inc at the “HIV and Meth in Los Angeles County: The Crisis Continues,” conference on May 22, 2019. The presentation provides an overview on an ongoing study that tracks methamphetamine use and other substance use trends among MSM who have used a substance. The presentation discusses the intervention model which includes establishing trust and build rapport and introducing risk reduction strategies.
Oral presentation by Kate Powis, Harvard University at the Learning Session: HIV Exposed Children and Early Child Development on March 7, 2019 that describes the evolving epidemiology of HIV exposed uninfected children. The presentation provides information regarding HEU children in global context, HEU child risk factors, HEU child outcomes, and the long-term view.
Oral presentation by Lisa Bohmer at the Learning Session: HIV Exposed Children and Early Child Development on March 7, 2019 that discusses the 5 year strategy of The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation which is to identify, test, and deliver program approaches that have the potential to improve developmental outcomes of all children affected by HIV and AIDS in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Zambia. They are currently supporting efforts to field test approaches to improve care giving and child development outcomes as part of health systems and within local communities, with focus on areas with high HIV prevalence.
Poster presentation by Melissa Medich, UCLA DGSOM Department of Family Medicine that describes a growing interest in engaging men and boys in health and development programs targeting the intersection of HIV risk, substance abuse, and violence. Masculinities or masculine identities shape both behaviors and provide opportunities for interventions. This paper examines an intervention using soccer and job training to engage and deliver activities for HIV prevention, substance abuse, and gender-based violence in a South African township in the Western Cape.