This TALC facilitator manual aims to help youths decrease their motivation to have a baby during adolescence, increase their problem solving skills around unwanted pregnancies, and decrease attitudes that foster pregnancy.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers who have successfully made custody plans will receive reinforcement for their plans and who have had difficulty completing their custody plans will receive assistance in overcoming barriers and in moving further.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help youths and mothers increase their knowledge of STDs and HIV, be able to talk about sex together, and be more motivated to seek responsible and mutually caring sexual relationships.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers pass on a positive legacy to their children, feel good about the legacy they have passed on to their children, and have a sense of direction for the future and what they want to accomplish.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths experience less strain from their new situations through expressing feelings and gaining support from the group. This manual also aims to will identify the positive aspects of living on their own and the needs of bereaved adolescents living on their own.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths identify what is important to them, understand the steps involved in setting goals, be able to determine what is needed to reach goals and how to obtain them, and set new long-term goals.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths and caregivers be able to identify normal grieving, be able to talk about the deceased parent, and begin to express feelings about the death of their parent.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths increase their comfort in thinking about their deceased parent and understand what adolescents and the people in their lives need from each other regarding dealing with grief and what would help them.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths increase their comfort in thinking about their deceased parent and understand what adolescents and the people in their lives need from each other regarding dealing with grief and what would help them.
TALC LA- Young Adults Phase 3, Sess 7: Planning for My Future (Part II) – How Do I Achieve My Goals?
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have youths be able to determine what is required to achieve a specific goal, know how to assess what they need to be successful, and be able to plan how to obtain the skills and resources needed.