Slide presentation for the NIH Public Access Policy on March 24, 2020. This workshop discussed options for investigators for compliance and the procedure for submitting a paper for compliance. The workshop also discusses the UC Open Access Policy, which requires all University of California research publications to be deposited in the eScholarship repository.
Workshop led by Bethany Myers, UCLA Biomedical Library that discusses he NIH Public Access Policy ensures the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research to help advance science and human health. The policy aims to archive a central collection of NIH-funded research publications preserves vital published research findings for years to come. Advance the information resource for scientists to research publications and for NIH to manage better its entire research investment. Access public research publications resulting from NIH-funded research.
Flyer for an upcoming workshop featuring Ryan Cook, Fielding School of Public Health entitled “Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting for Control of Confounding,” on April 30, 2019. This is a one-hour introductory workshop on the use of inverse probability of treatment weighting for control of confounding in observational studies. Participants will learn why IPTW works and how to apply it in their own research.
Workshop led by Ryan Cook, Fielding School of Public Health that examines the use of inverse probability of treatment weighting for control of confounding in observational studies. Participants learned why IPTW works and how to apply it in their own research.
Oral presentation that reviewed the need for prevention with positives and major components used in cognitive- behavioral theories. The training discussed effective interventions targeting People Living with HIV (PLH) that can be used in full or partially adapted for a variety of populations and settings. The training practices selected exercises from effective interventions and provides tools to assess agency capacity and readiness to adapt and tailor existing intervention.
The purpose of this intervention outline is to serve as a guideline for intervention facilitators for training and preparing commune health workers (CHWs) to intervene injecting drug users (IDUs) and their family members (FMs).
This guide supports evidence based interventions by providing skills and helpful principles focused on relationship skills and problem management, this guide also provides tools for self management and behavior change.