Pediatric AIDS Coalition RFA2021

The UCLA AIDS Institute is accepting applications for seed grants to fund basic and clinical pilot research studies relevant to pediatric HIV infection. The grants will be funded by the Pediatric AIDS Coalition at UCLA, through proceeds from the annual Dance Marathon. Applicants whose Letters of Intent are favorably reviewed will be invited to submit a formal proposal. Full proposals will then be due by May 10, 2021.

2021R1 Seed Grant Flyer

CHIPTS are accepting letters of Intent for novel seed grant proposals including Charity Treks, Pediatric HIV Research, and HIV and Substance Use grants. Deadline for receipt of Letters of Intent for the 3 seed grants are on March 15, 2021.

2020 CHIPTS Community-Research Kick Start Grant Application

CHIPTS is accepting applications for our 2020 Community-Research Kick Start Program. This funding opportunity is to help support workshops, planning meetings, symposia, or other activities that are designed to promote new science, foster new collaborations, or increase capacity building. The purpose of the program is to “kick start” the development of new research ideas and other projects to address emerging issues and needs of communities most impacted by HIV.

2021 CHIPTS Mentored Pilot Grant – Call for Applications

CHIPTS is proud to announce our 2021 mentored pilot grant program for emerging and new investigators (ranging from Doctoral Students to Assistant Professors). Through this grant program, applicants will obtain individualized, mentored research from engaged and committed faculty mentor/sponsors while conducting a well-defined research project. The successful completion of the proposed mentored research project is expected to enhance emerging and new investigators’ potential to develop into productive, independent research scientists.

AIDS Institute/ UCLA CHIPTS/ UCLA Pediatric AIDS Coalition RFA

CHIPTS is accepting Letters of Intent for novel seed grant proposals relevant to understanding the biology of HIV and substance use or substance use disorders (SUD). Examples of competitive research topics include studies that integrate behavioral factors (e.g., drug exposure levels, psychiatric symptoms, environmental exposures) that correspond with links between substances and their effects on microbiome, inflammation, gut-brain axis, epigenetics (especially gene expression), extracellular vesicles, and HIV transmission dynamics.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Program in Global HIV Prevention Research Application

The Division of Infectious Diseases of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA is pleased to offer its Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Program in Global HIV Prevention Research as a way to prepare physician, social, behavioral, and professional scientists for academic research careers focused on understanding and preventing HIV disease globally. The program is funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) through a T32 mechanism and supports 2 new fellows each year–one a physician specializing in adult or pediatric infectious diseases, and one a social/behavioral scientist or a graduate with a doctoral degree from a relevant professional field (such as psychology, public health, public policy, sociology, anthropology, biological sciences, etc).

CHIPTS Kick Start Grant – Application Instructions

CHIPTS is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity to help support workshops, planning meetings, symposia, or other activities that are designed to promote new science, foster new collaborations, or increase capacity building. The purpose of the program is to “kick start” the development of new research ideas and other projects to address emerging issues and needs of communities most impacted by HIV. Community collaboration and engagement are strongly encouraged.

Mentored Pilot Grant Subrecipient Commitment Form

All subrecipients of the CHIPTS Mentored Pilot Grant must complete this form when submitting a proposal to UCLA. It provides a checklist of documents and certifications required by sponsors and it must be endorsed by the authorized institutional representative prior to proposal submission.

CHIPTS Pilot Budget Form – PHS 398

Budget form for The Center for HIV, Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services (CHIPTS) that is accepting applications for the 2019-2020 mentored pilot grant program for emerging and new investigators (ranging from Doctoral Students to Assistant Professors). Through this grant program, applicants will obtain individualized, mentored research from engaged and committed faculty mentor/sponsors while conducting a well-defined research project. The successful completion of the proposed mentored research project is expected to enhance emerging and new investigators’ potential to develop into productive, independent research scientists.