This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths explore the pros and cons of refusing unprotected sex, identify and confront the ethical decisions in refusing unprotected sex, and practice how to refuse unprotected sex.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths become reoriented to and comfortable with their individual counseling, review standards for interaction and his/her progress on reducing substance use and the risk of sexual acts, and be able to identify advantages of performing healthy behaviors.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help participants increase his/her motivation to attend medical appointments, change attitudes that interfere with attending health care appointments, and identify and problem-solve barriers to keeping appointments.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help participants continue to develop substance management skills, continue assertive communication skills development, and be able to interact assertively with their physicians around medical issues of importance to them.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths continue developing substance use management skills, review the basic facts regarding HIV replication and antiretroviral therapy, and explore feelings about taking antiretroviral medications.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths continue developing substance use management skills, learn how to associate taking medications with daily routines, and learn basic reminder strategies to increase antiretroviral medication adherence.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths redefine personal wants for the future as a motivation for continued effort on treatment goals., connect personal strivings to aspects of the higher self, and articulate progress made in each major area of the intervention.
This Implementation Manual was developed as an intervention for young people with HIV. This intervention provides additional benefits to participants such as enhancing their quality of life, creating opportunities for them to connect with other people living with the virus, and teaching them the negotiation and practice of safer sex skills.
This Implementation Manual was developed as an intervention for young people with HIV. This intervention provides additional benefits to participants such as enhancing their quality of life, creating opportunities for them to connect with other people living with the virus, and teaching them the negotiation and practice of safer sex skills.
This Implementation Manual was developed as an intervention for young people with HIV. This intervention provides additional benefits to participants such as enhancing their quality of life, creating opportunities for them to connect with other people living with the virus, and teaching them the negotiation and practice of safer sex skills.