How did we get here? Historical perspectives – Slides

Oral presentation by Oni J. Blackstock (Health Justice) that addresses medical mistrust in Black Communities and describes the implications for COVID-19, HIV, Hepatitis, STIs and other conditions. The presentation provides an understanding of the racist policies and practices that have contributed to medical mistrust in the Black community and characterizes the relationship between medical mistrust and select health care outcomes.

Incorporating dating application strategies to recruit youth at risk or youth living with HIV (ATN CARES Project) – Slides

Poster presentation by Carla Del Cid, Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences that provides an overview of HIV among youth, a significant and increasing problem. The poster presentation describes how more than half of adolescent MSM report having condomless sex in the past 12 months and one-third of MSM use gay dating applications to meet sexual partners. Internet sex-seekers have more frequent anal intercourse, more previously diagnosed sexual transmitted infections, and are twice as more likely to engage sexual encounters without a condom.

Colloquium Health Disparities: LA County Commission on HIV – Slides

Oral presentation by Cathy J. Reback, Friends Research Institute, Inc. at the Los Angeles County Commission on HIV Los Angeles, California, July 12, 2018. The presentation discussed health disparities, risk behaviors and healthcare utilization among transgender women in Los Angeles County providing a comparison from 1998-1999 to 2015-2016.