Substance use and associated intimate partner violence risk among MSM in Los Angeles, California

Prior work suggests substance use is a risk factor for intimate partner violence but limited research exploring this association among MSM exists. We explored associations between substance use and experiences of IPV among MSM participating in the mSTUDY cohort in Los Angeles. Stimulant use was associated with increased odds of experiencing IPV relative to those reporting no stimulant use and the magnitude of this association was greater among MSM living with HIV.

Factors Influencing Betel Nut Chewing Behavior in People Living with HIV in Myanmar

Despite the WHO classifying betel nuts as a carcinogen with a high risk of oral and laryngeal cancer, Myanmar is one of the world’s largest consumers of betel nuts because chewing betel nuts is socially and culturally influenced in Myanmar. The study aimed to examine factors that influence betel nut chewing in people living with HIV (PLWH) in Myanmar. From a secondary analysis of 2020 Myanmar PLWH data, physiological hyperarousal symptoms and loneliness were associated with increased betel nut chewing among PLWH in Myanmar.

Sexual health promotion methods and decision-making among youth at-risk for and living with HIV in Los Angeles and New Orleans: A qualitative, choice-based analysis – Slides

A strengths-based telehealth coaching intervention was delivered to youth at-risk for or living with HIV in Los Angeles and New Orleans within the context of several linked HIV prevention and treatment continua studies. We used a choice-based framework and qualitative methods to analyze strengths assessment data, which revealed intrapersonal, interpersonal, and structural factors that influenced participants’ sexual health decision-making, including decisions regarding PrEP use, condom use, and other strategies. These results demonstrate the utility of self-determination and choice-based frameworks in sexual health promotion efforts for youth.

I have moments where I am down, but it has made me resilient: Mental health strengths among youth at-risk for and living with HIV – Slides

Youth enrolled in several linked HIV prevention and treatment continua studies who participated in a telehealth coaching intervention completed a strengths assessment, and qualitative data on mental health strengths was analyzed using thematic analysis and a resilience lens. Youth self-described mental health strengths included intrapersonal resilience assets (protective traits, stress management activities, feeling positive despite current mental health challenges, and no current mental health challenges) and external resilience resources (social/emotional support, therapy/counseling, and use of mental health medication). These results highlight the utility of strengths-based intervention methods and resilience for youth at-risk for and living with HIV.

A virtual platform to mitigate the effects of isolation among older people living with HIV: Lessons learned in usability with Discord – Slides

This presentation will discuss the perspectives of a Community Advisory Board (CAB) on the usability of Discord as a virtual village. We will explore the benefits and drawbacks of this platform for the purpose of this study, based on the opinions expressed by the CAB. Lessons learned from this experience and how to improve future studies will be shared.