Covered CA and People Living with HIV/AIDS – Policy Brief (Summary)

This policy brief examined how health insurance available through Covered California could cost more than some people living with HIV/AIDS can afford, undermining an important HIV prevention strategy: adherence to medication and engagement in care. People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who adhere to their drug regimens can reduce their viral load to undetectable levels, making them less likely to transmit HIV, and creating a public health imperative to reduce barriers to
care and treatment for PLWHA.

Covered CA and People Living with HIV/AIDS – Policy Brief (Full analysis)

This policy brief examined how health insurance available through Covered California could cost more than some people living with HIV/AIDS can afford, undermining an important HIV prevention strategy: adherence to medication and engagement in care. People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who adhere to their drug regimens can reduce their viral load to undetectable levels, making them less likely to transmit HIV, and creating a public health imperative to reduce barriers to care and treatment for PLWHA.

AB999: Proposal to Mandate Condom Distribution in Prisons Would Reduce Correctional Facility Costs for Inmate Health Care in California – Policy Brief

This policy brief examines the recently proposed AB999, which would require the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to develop a five-year plan to make condoms available in all California prisons. AB999 would instruct CDCR to use funds from the budget to provide condoms and condom dispensing machines at all California prisons by December 2019.

NIMH Project Accept (HPTN 043)

10 years’ work presented in 10 minutes time


Next Generation Oral Preexposure Prophylaxis – Report

Clinical trials of oral preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) have focused on regimens of tenofovir (TDF) with or without emtricitabine (FTC). However, TDF may be associated with toxicities (renal, bone), and FTC may select for drug resistance. Both are also first-line drugs for HIV treatment. In this review, we discuss agents that might serve as alternatives to TDF/FTC for HIV PrEP.

Will and Should Women in the U.S. Use PrEP? Findings from a Focus Group Study of At-risk HIV-negative Women in Oakland, Memphis, San Diego, and Washington, DC – Report

Most US Women at risk of HIV infection are unaware of PrEP, this focus group report captures the opinions about PrEP as highly nuanced. With a demonstrated high level of efficacy, with correct and complete information from trusted sources, and wit an assured way of paying for Prep, it was viewed as an option that should be available to all kinds of women who are having sex whether or not they perceive themselves at risk of HIV infection. Cost, access, and side effects are the most critical concerns U.S. women express about Prep.

HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Initiative (iPrEx) – Research Brief

The HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Initiative (iPrEx) was a multinational randomized controlled study of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in 2,499 HIV-negative men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women who have sex with men. The trial examined the efficacy of Truvada (a fixed dose combination of 2 antiretroviral medications: FTC and Tenofovir) taken every day to prevent HIV infection.