This TALC facilitator manual aims to have mothers increase their supporting each other, identify angry feelings, express angry feelings in a safe environment, and increase their skills in telling someone they are angry.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have mothers identify feelings of sadness, connect negative thoughts to feelings of sadness, increase their abilities to alter negative thoughts, and increase their ability to cope with sadness.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have mothers clarify their life values, develop positive meaning about their illness, determine areas in their life where they can exercise control, and project their own future visions.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to have parents identify the needs of their adolescent children, analyze the meaning to an adolescent of losing someone close to them, and help increase adolescents ability to relax.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers be more comfortable making plans for someone to take care of their children, identify reasons for and against making a formal custody plan, and improve their ability to decide whether it is best for them to keep their children together.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers identify feelings about custody planning and their effect on self-concepts, be able to discriminate between custody options, and improve their skills in selecting the option that best fits their situation.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers feel more comfortable proceeding with custody planning, be able to solve more effectively problems which obstruct custody planning, and be able to deal with potential guardians changing their minds.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers understand that how parents talk to their children and whether they listen to their children is important. This manual also aims to help mothers distinguish active listening from other kinds of listening and be able to listen actively to their children.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers understand the differences between active listening and expressing feelings, be able to express their feelings directly through “I” statements, and increase “I” statements and reduce negative “You” statements.
This TALC facilitator manual aims to help mothers be able to define problem behaviors in specific terms, be able to translate negative behaviors into positive behaviors, and know the importance of positive reinforcement and how it works.