Black Communities Medical Mistrust in the time of COVID-19 – Slides

Oral presentation by Sheldon D. Fields, National Black Nurses Association, Inc. that discusses provider’s issues with medications and experimental treatment related to Covid-19 and understand how to approach these issues with their clients to foster trust. The presentation discusses the impact of medical mistrust on poor health outcomes in Black communities specifically with Covid-19 and the context of telemedicine and mistrust.

A Regional Response to End the HIV Epidemic in California – Key Findings and Recommendations Report

CHIPTS received a supplement award to engage a regional effort for coordinated EHE response in California. This award supported CHIPTS to bring together stakeholders from across the California priority counties; assess existing resources, key needs, and collaborative opportunities; and provide recommendations to help facilitate a regional EHE response. This document synthesizes the information CHIPTS gathered and offers actionable recommendations to support a coordinated regional response to the HIV epidemic in California.

A Regional Response to End the HIV Epidemic in California – Flyer

Flyer for an upcoming meeting that aims to develop a multi-county regional response to ending the HIV epidemic in California on January 24, 2020 from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM PT. Public health department representatives, HIV service providers, and community advocates/stakeholders from Alameda, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, and other counties are encouraged to attend.

2019 Annual Commission Meeting – Slides

Slide presentations by commissioners of the LA County Commission on HIV that discuss new and current funding, proposals, efforts, frameworks, directions, and timelines aimed at Ending the HIV Epidemic. The commission meeting allows guests and the public into a space where people of all opinions and backgrounds are able to contribute. The meeting strives to be introspective and understand and clarify our assumptions, while appreciating the complex intersectionality of the lives we live.

Through Positive Eyes Exhibition at the Fowler Museum (2019-20) – Summary

To help end the stigma around HIV/AIDS and empower people from around the world who are living with the virus, a new exhibition at the Fowler Museum at UCLA will highlight the stories and images of HIV-positive individuals and their perspectives on the epidemic. The exhibition is cocurated by David Gere, UCLA Professor of World Arts and Cultures, who, with photographer Gideon Mendel, co-founded Through Positive Eyes, which is an art project and an exhibition created in collaboration with people living with HIV/AIDS.