Amy Rock Wohl Need for novel approaches for identifying, engaging, re- engaging and retaining HIV-infected persons in care: Project Engage (PE) uses respondent-driven sampling, direct recruitment and incentives to identify and link to care marginalized HIV+ out of care (OOC) persons. The Navigation Program uses enhanced public health investigation (PHI) methods and modified ARTAS to re- engage OOC clinic patients.
The Use of HIV Over-the Counter (OTC) Test in California from April to September 2013 – Policy Brief
This policy brief examines the distribution, usage, and results of the HIV OTC test for a six-month period (April 1, 2013, through September 30, 2013) to determine how the HIV OTC test is being used thus far in California, an initial start-up period. This frame was selected as most manufacturing and distribution challenges had been overcome, and the HIV OTC test was generally available to consumers throughout California.