Piloting TelePrEP Information Sessions: An Implementation Strategy to Increase PrEP Awareness and Optimize PrEP Uptake Among Latina Cisgender Women – Slides

Oral Presentation at the CHIPTS HIV Next Generation Conference featuring Dilara Üsküp and Elena Rosenberg-Carlson held on January 2022. The presentation discusses a pilot that aims to use an implementation strategy to increase PrEP awareness and optimize PrEP uptake among Latina cisgender women (LCW) through use of PlushCare. PlushCare is a stand-alone telemedicine “app” that exclusively provides virtual/remote delivery of clinical services, including PrEP.

CoVPN Community Engagement Materials Menu – Resources

The CoVPN provided a list of materials for community workers and service providers leading the fight against COVID-19, the resources include educational videos, infographics, and downloadable fact sheets. Resources describe COVID variants, COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, and the importance of vaccination to address disparities in hospitalization and death.

What are Variants and What do they Mean for COVID Vaccines? – Factsheet

This factsheet provides a list of resources that describes the COVID-19 variants and their concern, further describing the constantly mutating nature of coronaviruses, SARS-CoV2. The document provides resources that describes the Delta variant which has become the main variant in the US (August 2021) and whether a booster shot is required anytime soon.

Historical Legacies: Conquering COVID & Combating the Infodemic – Slides

Oral presentation by Tracey Veal (Los Angeles County Department of Public Health) that discusses the concern of the general public for COVID-19 vaccine safety due to the historical contexr of medical mistrust, the quickness of the vaccine development process, the problems in fertility, and the alteration of DNA.

Tips For Conducting Effective Literature Searches Workshop – Flyer

Flyer for workshop on “Tips for Conducting Effective Literature Searches” presented by Bethany Myers on April 28, 2021, from 11am-12pm PT/ The event will discuss power searching through PubMed Advanced Search MeSH, Embase special search interfaces, and getting full text of articles from PMC and UCElinks.

Citation Management Workshop – Flyer

Flyer for workshop on “Citation Management Workshop” presented by Bethany Myers on April 21, 2021, from 10am-11:30am PT. The workshop will discuss how to effectively use citation management software’s such as Endnote and Zotero for grants and publications. This workshop is part of a series that includes “NIH Public Access Compliance” and “Tips for Conducting Effective Literature Searches Workshop.”

Citation Management Workshop – Slides

Workshop presentation by Bethany Myers, Research Informationist at UCLA in April 2021. The workshop discussed how to effectively use citation management software’s such as Endnote and Zotero for grants and publications. This workshop is part of a series that includes “NIH Public Access Compliance” and “Tips for Conducting Effective Literature Searches Workshop.”

NIH Public Access Policy Workshop (2020) – Flyer

Flyer for the upcoming workshop on the NIH Public Access Policy on March 24, 2020. In this workshop, you will learn about what your options are for compliance and the procedure for submitting a paper for compliance. The workshop also discusses the UC Open Access Policy, which requires all University of California research publications to be deposited in the eScholarship repository.