TLC- Mod 1, Sess 10: Attending Health Care Appointments

This TLC facilitator manual aims to change attitudes which interfere with attending health care appointments, identify and problem solve barriers to keeping appointments, and speak assertively to health care personnel.

TLC- Mod 2, Sess 1: Should I Protect Myself and My Partner?

This TLC facilitator manual aims to have youths identify their ideal selves in different roles and discuss the major dilemmas faced in deciding to protect themselves and others (e.g., disclosure, fear of rejection, conflict surrounding pleasure vs. protecting self and others).

TLC- Mod 2, Sess 3: Should I Tell My Partner I Am HIV-Positive?

This TLC facilitator manual aims to have youths identify the pros and cons of telling their sexual partners that they are HIV positive, help them make a decision about whether to tell their sexual partners that they are HIV positive, and have them explore the ethical issues in telling a partner.

TLC- Mod 2, Sess 5: Should I Refuse Unprotected Sex?

This TLC facilitator manual aims to have youths explore the pros and cons of refusing unprotected sex, identify and confront the ethical decisions in refusing unprotected sex, and practice how to refuse unprotected sex.

TLC- Mod 2, Sess 6: Establishing the Commitment

This TLC facilitator manual aims to have youths set individualized goals to stop, reduce, or maintain in a low level of drug and/or alcohol use. This manual also aims to define youths current use of drugs and alcohol and determine the advantages and disadvantages of reaching the drug or alcohol reduction goal they have set for themselves.