This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths articulate a vision for a rewarding future, confront self-destructive attitudes that inhibit adaptive functioning and promote substance use and sexual risk acts.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths define his/her current use of drugs and alcohol, measure the impact of drug and alcohol use on his/her life as a baseline for evaluating progress on substance use goals in future modules, and connect reductions in substance use to increased quality of life.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths practice identifying thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions that lead to continued substance use. This manual also aims to help youths identify his/her own triggers in a recent substance use event and implement another tool for self-monitoring substance use.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths clarify emotions and cognitions that trigger substance use, confront belief systems that support substance use and recognize these new beliefs as self-talk statements, and identify self-perceptions related to use-supporting beliefs.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths continue to shape self-monitoring skills, learn formal problem-solving protocol and practice problem solving skills, and review local resources for substance use treatment.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths become reoriented to and comfortable with the individual counseling modality and review standards for interaction and report his/her progress on substance use goals.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths revisit substance use as an ongoing focus of this program and a necessary component for achieving success with all other goals. This manual also aims to increase awareness of his/her sexual behavior patterns, as well as motivation and basic skills for changing them.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths advance his/her drug and alcohol monitoring skills, increase skills for protecting him/herself and others from HIV reinfection or other STD infection, and be able to indicate which sexual acts provide the most protection.
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths explore attitudes toward condom use in the prevention of HIV and STD transmission, review proper use of the male and female condom, and explore ways to normalize and eroticize condom use.
CLEAR- Mod 2, Sess 11: Making Sexual Decisions: Can I Influence My Partner To Use Condoms? (1.5 hrs)
This CLEAR facilitator manual aims to help youths identify the barriers and problems in trying to get partners to accept condoms in the relationship, practice how to negotiate condom use with his/her partners, and report increased self-efficacy for talking to partners about condom use.