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The World Health Organization (WHO) is developing guidelines for evidence-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in low- and middle-income countries.
The Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP) oversaw a civil society consultation of sex workers commissioned by the WHO to gather feedback on the proposed guidelines and produced this report, entitled: ‘Female, Male and Transgender Sex Workers’ Perspectives on HIV & STI Prevention and Treatment Services: a global sex worker consultation.’
This report summarises the findings from that consultation as follows:
- Sex workers identified the following barriers to accessing HIV and STI related services: criminalisation, penalisation and repression of sex work, same-sex activity and gender expression; mandatory testing; discrimination and mistreatment within the health sector; exclusion of male and transgender sex workers; inappropriate and inadequate services; and funds diverted to programmes that have no evidence-base.
- Sex workers identified the following necessary steps to improve access to HIV and STI prevention and treatment: decriminalisation, depenalisation and non-repressive policy; HIV interventions in line with human rights standards; collective empowerment; recognition of sex work as work; comprehensive programmes; and sex worker-led strategies.
- Sex workers unanimously supported: condom promotion for sex workers; periodic voluntary
screening for STIs; voluntary counselling and testing; and ARV treatment according to guidelines that apply to the general adult population. - Sex worker strongly supported: condom promotion for clients.
- Sex workers strongly rejected: mandatory testing, periodic presumptive treatment for STIs (PPT) and provider-Initiated testing.
You can read or download this 22 page PDF report: [Download not found]