To support local National HIV Testing Day activities, NPIN recently updated the National HIV and STD Testing Resources web site! Check out the new National HIV Testing Day page to Register your Event or Find an Event Near You.
What’s New?
- Find an Event Near You
- Allows search by ZIP code
- Includes Google map features such as directions and zoom options
- When viewing all events, sort results by event name, organization name, date, city, state, or ZIP code
- Improved view on iOS devices such as iPhone, iPod, or iPad
- Provides geolocation (takes current location into consideration for mobile users) is designed to make it easier than ever to find the right tools and resources to help community members, program staff, and other stakeholders raise awareness about the importance of being tested for HIV. The site also has a fully-mirrored Spanish version at: and NHTD.
Check your inbox for more updates from NPIN coming in the weeks ahead! Comments on the new National HIV Testing Day event map re-design are welcome via
National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) is an annual campaign coordinated by the National Association of People with AIDS to encourage people of all ages to “Take the Test, Take Control.”